Change battle rating for certain tanks

did you forget your own comment?

We have plenty of tanking vehicles below the Maus. The T95 comes to mind.

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Something something about decompression…


You forget that the IS-6 has 2 cupolas, that are very weak, and a mantlet that can be overpressured by larger APHE shells.

The IS-4 driver port weak spot is not a reliable way of killing it either.

The T-95 is even slower, and it is a TD. The MAUS has a turret, and a coax cannon.

I think both are fine where they are at right now.

Makes little to no difference to be honest, fat Jumbo already facing IS-3, if anything it will be slightly easier to disable IS-4M via barrel/track torture because it has crap reverse speed.

Ah, never mind, im just dumb lol.

T28 at 6.3 :)

A turret that moves at a snails pace and a much larger profile.

I think move the T95 up or move the Maus down.

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Is the cupola of the T95 really a weakspot or does gaijin just want to denerf it?

You seem to have a problem with MAUS…which i might add it also didn’t “exist” in WW2. It is very probable that it would never exist in any war…
Anyway…it is a difficult tank to balance…if you lower its BR too much then it becomes an unkillable monster…even if you like the idea, pretty sure there are very few players that would like to fight it on WW2 vehicles.
In AB (and i play in PS5) it is 8.0 and it actually feels ok. If you avoid ATGM equipped vehicles Maus can take several hits and has a good gun, even if not so effective at longer ranges. I don’t think it should be brought down in BR…

BTW…Maus is a prime example why late WW2 designs can only be balanced by cold war vehicles…

Maus is almost 100% better than the T95 and I have no idea why they moved the T95 to 7.3 in the first place, there is nowhere they are only .3 apart in comparison, one is twice as quick in moving forward and also reverse, having two guns and the main weapon is so much more powerful and a 75mm secondary as a backup cannon to break tracks or barrel and OHKO light tanks, furthermore it has a very good optical zoom in that br where it is comparable to 9.3 MBTs, if anything Maus remains where it is and TUTEL needs to be moved back to 7.0 or even 6.7, I have never seen it performs like having 5-6 kills in a match.


This, T95 was fine at 7.0 though that entire BR rating change list was pretty questionable.

Maus would be facing M48s, Centurion Mk3s, and T-55s IRL if it was completed. Just saying…

If it was historically accurate you would have Tigers fighting 75mm Shermans.

If WT introduced a lot more late designs from 1945->1946 and bits from early 1947.
It would be an interesting BR bracket. Since the maus would be a lot more competitive however vehicles around those eras could combat it.

So it wouldn’t be a case of Maus vs Tanks that frontally penetrate it without much of an issue. But then given the 7.7 BR is slowly being erased guess not.

Historical matchmaking is the most bafflingly stupid idea that would ruin the game so hard it isnt even funny. It literally only benefits late war heavy tanks and a couple of other innovative tanks like T64A and
hstvl and surprise surprise the guy asking for historical matchmaking is complaining about 6.7. I wonder what tank he could be playing. Surely he just wants his ratel 90 to be fighting t55’s like it historically did




Meanwhile, the M103 exists and continues to suffer with uncapped solid shot, no armor, and no stabilizer.

The Maus is perfectly competent and the is4m only slightly less