Change Air RB Poll - Turn Off Blue On Blue/Friendly Fire

Who would support Air RB turning off friendly fire?

For example, allowing friendlies’ heat paths to drag friendly IR missiles off enemies, but no longer causing damage to same teammates? In effect, replicating the same effects as Ground RB?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Would prefer something else
0 voters

Only thing I’d accept is no teamkills within 300-500 meters around the airfield on match start, expiring within 1 minutes.

Make maps bigger if this means you’d contact enemy in that time (Lake ladoga for example)


No, this would create more lemming trains because people would know that they can spam missiles regardless of who is between them and the enemy.


its really annoying when missiles lose or change target and kill a poor friendly so I would like there to either be a “accidental teamkill” check for that or for blue one blue to be disabled…

also have spawn immunity so people cant shoot you on takeoff and screw the whole match up


I really wish war thunder player wasn’t as logically challenged as you.

I’d take a “hell let loose” approach than pussying around and spend the entire team resource on one guy who’s too dangerous to 1v1.

I do not know what hell let loose does as i dont play it.

do people just stopped learning about proverbs? the word “hell let loose” has a meaning before it was a game.

I feel like it would be an honest mistake to make.

I just dont want the gameplay to be even more dumbed down so that people can just spam missiles with no regard of what is between them and their target.

people already complain when 80% of their team dives for the first enemy they see. I doubt they would be happy if the game further encouraged it.

look, your reasoning against turning off TK makes no sense. it’s bad to not disable TK because you think TK makes people more cautious, well it’s not, it just makes people afraid of making a move against an enemy. TK only favour trolls and 10.0-11.0 attacker with too much flares.

It makes them more aware of the situation. I have no fear of teamkilling when using missiles because i take into account where my teammates are.

You can prefer for people to have their handheld. I am not going to try to convince you of my take. I am just explaining why i dont want a change like this.

Maybe for arcade mode…

how would i be able to team kill props in top tier games if they turned off friendly fire?

Can you not question someone’s logic where it comes to a game?

An acceptable idea, in my opinion. I’m just sick of people in Air RB making the game worse for everyone with “TK this guy” for whatever reason they desire. Toxicity is just offputting.

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That’s a reasonable assertion, but then we already have missile spam anyway, so what would this avoid for them other than they wouldn’t crew lock for launching a AIM-9 up a guy’s tailpipe by accident?

The only thing that I support is turning off FF penalty for ARH missiles after some time (eg: 30seconds). Players should not be accounted for things that can’t control direclty.

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Just because people still do bad behavior does not mean that we should switch to encouraging it.

As far as I am aware, you dont get a crew lock for a teamkill. Only if you do it 2-3 times in one match. By that time, either you just have zero situational awareness or are doing it on purpose.

They helped this issue a bit by adding the forgive option. However, it needs to be improved. I think that the option should come up after you have left the battle. Having only a couple seconds right after getting killed means that the player has no time to understand why the teamkill happened.

I think people who get teamkilled still have to pay the repair cost, for some reason. This should be removed as well.

That’s a reasonable request.

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Beyond my initial suggestion (TK immunity after take-off for 1 minute for 300 or 500 metres above and around the airfield),

I’d like to add a reason that I believe to be fairly strong for why blue-on-blue is a good thing in actual engagement. Now, I only really play props but - teamkills increase your survivability.

It prevents planes from being able to stack on you without risking shooting each other. It also allows you, with skilled maneuvering, to make your enemies shoot each other out the sky. Unfortunately, you do not get kill credit for it but now you’ve turned an impossible 1v3 into a somewhat manageable 1v2 or even 1v1 if it was because two planes collided during a dive/turn/maneuver.

I wish gaijin rewarded the nearest enemy plane in case of maneuver deaths.