Challenger DS may need L26 APFSDS ammunation :(

İ seriously dont understand why Chally Ds hasnt recieved L26 and Type-16 Fps didnt recieved Type-93 shell.

Both tanks are practically same vehicles you can find on tech tree yet Gaijin hold them off with silly Logic.

Just look at Wolfpack, its basically tech tree version of M1128 and also recieved M900 in exchange of Br increase.

Same Logic should apply to those tanks as well.

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Well it not Russian i guess? if those are Russians they get 3BM42 by now

İts not just Russians, M1128 Wolfpack also got the same treatment.

İt recieved M900 and got br increased, all we are asking is the same for our Chally DS and Type-16FPS but for some reason Gaijin is refusing to do that.

The whole idea behind prems was to bolster lineups and with these all at 10.3 there is no reason to not give it this ammo and put it at 10.3

They literally don’t play their own game or come up with lies or fake crap, I mean they literally just said the FGR2 phantom is fine at 11.3 “without” its aim 9Ls.

Yeah, the T-90 originally planned at 10.7 kinda proved the fact that they decided to add it without even looking at the TT.

I mean can they not add vehicles at any BR without there being existing vehicles? If we had no 10.7s surely you’d fix that by adding 10.7s which they did. Gotta start somewhere.

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Perhaps, but you could start with adding 2 into the gap, or something can be used more flexibly. Like an IFV. A 10.7 IFV that would work in a support role in top tier wouldn’t have been quite as bad as a MBT at a bracket we already have a dozen MBTs

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they rarely look at lineups/tech tree, they dont care if you have to uptier your whole lineup for the addition of one vehicle, the BR changes theyre proposing prove that too, especially additions that are desperately needed but are at a too high of a BR, my best recent example I have is the Israelin Chaparall which shouldnt be on the same BR as the Roland, its not even close in terms of capability and we have the Strela at 9.3, which has more maneuverable missiles and has IRCCMish aswell, and now with the contrast seeker you can now even lock helicopters further then the Stingers can but the Chaparall has to be at 10.3 while the Strela sits below the Ozelot, which imo is hilarious.

Actually i think its not difficult for gaijin to give Chally DS L26, since M1128 get its newest ammo as well.
i think if gaijin think this problem fairly, L26 should be equipped to Chally DS

Not saying its hard at all, its a balancing choice.

could you please explain how this choice work? to prevent British having a dozen MBTs in 10.3? /i guess

I don’t have the specifics on why and when the devs decide on what ammo a vehicle should get unfortunately. I just know ammo choice is a balance decision.


thats sad but why M1128 could get M900, for balance again? :D

Britain Tax.

Chally DS Users: Gaijin plz give L26 and we’d be happy for it to go to 10.3 with the TT Mk.3

Gaijin: Sorry, we can’t, balance reasons.

DS Users:…But we’re happy for it to go up in BR with L26…

Gaijin:…Sorry, it would be unfair at 10.0…

DS Users:…But we’re hap…

Gaijin: Shhhhhhh, Balance

DS Users: -_-


I’m not going to comment on their balancing or whatever.

But the best British lineup of them all is at 10.3. You get 3 TT mbt’s at 10.0-10.3, a workable AA, a great strike platform for the BR, a great helicopter all you’re missing is a good IFV. I don’t think it would be so bad for the DS to receive L26 and go to 10.3, sure it would be worse, but who said premiums have to be better than their TT equivalents.

And if it does suffer, then they can always use their player statistics and move it down :)


Meanwhile at 10.3 you are fighting everything under the sun that has autocannons - missiles and can just spam and win.
Youre fighting leopards who are faster and more maneuverable but , for some reason they cant just give the DS which has no armor, is slow, a decent round.
I hit a CT CV105 right in the turrent ring and the round just vanished into thin air, or how anything you shoot in the side doesnt die.

Lets not forget that HESH is an absolute joke right now, and many times just doesnt fuse. OR. Does no damage.

as an avid avre player i know the hesh pain

Brit sipping tea out of an empty Hesh shell

Dont we all