Challenger DS may need L26 APFSDS ammunation :(

definitely like this in the end.

The biggest problem with top tier is diversification. Its the same jets over and over and over again and everyone else is just cannon fodder.

I have my problems with World of Tanks but man every battle was always a mix up of tanks.

Yeah, i main ASB. So i only see Mig29s and F16s and maybe the odd Yak141.

Id love for china to get a buff and to bring something than the F-16 and whilst im really not looking forward to typhoon vs typhoon when that happens, it will be more interesting sprwad than what there is now

Other aircraft are planned. We never said Typhoon was the only option.

The labels are not really even the key significant thing. Different sources may call the EAP whatever they wish. It’s very clear what it was designed, intended and set out to achieve.

It may be called prototype by some sources. But this does not change the actual fact of what it is or does.

Indeed it did carry mockup weaponary. However again BAes website makes it clear it carried no military equipment. There were no operational or planned means to fire and operate said weapons in the EAP program. This game with the Typhoon DA prototypes.

The P.110 may well have been. However everything on the EAP is clear that it was a demonstration aircraft with no intention to fit it with functional RWR, countermeasures or fit military operational equipment like the Yak-141 prototypes had outlined clearly.

Again, this came later in the actual Eurofighter DA prototypes where weaponary, avionics, full radar test and other developments were planned and completed.

We have only ever issued flares to Aircraft that were planned to get them a with clear means of how to do so or aircraft that were possible to mount them too.

There were no provisions for countermeasures on the EAP as it was never intended to be an operational fight in itself. It was purely a proof of concept. The BOL came out after EAP there was no intrigrated combination with it.

It’s entirely fine to make a dedicated discussion thread on the EAP in the machinery of war area. There is nothing stopping the historical discussion of it and sharing of further sources.

However the aircraft does not really even meet the minimum criteria for a full suggestion topic and as previously mentioned, the developers don’t currently have any plans to introduce the EAP demonstrator based on all the current information. Other Aircraft will be focused on for the British tree.

The Yak-141 had planned weaponary and countermeasures.

The F-5C is an a F-5A family aircraft. All F-5A aircraft were possible to retrofit with countermeasures.

No such plans or retrofits exist for the EAP to base countermeasures on.


I think it could be worth to make a separate post/announcement talking about the Yak-141 and F-5C situation with additional clarifications to clear up any misunderstandings

We already made a response from the developers blog on the Yak-141 when it was released and we have answered the question on F-5C flares many times

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I meant something separate because people will just keep on bringing up the same argument over and over

I mean, we had the same top tier jet for 3 years before the Gr.7, I can wait…

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Yep, peobably will need to wait 3 years before we get something to replace the harrier. Which will be 1 year old by the time of this update…

I hate getting only 1 viable top tier jet every 3 years. But if the US/soviets go 10 minutes without a new jet… well, that would be unfair

US had/has many versions of the F-16, F-14, F-18, F-15… While Britain only had the Tornado and the Sea Harrier, for me at least this was expected, we just have to wait.

Personally, I don’t think that’s actually all that true

SHar FA2 could be decent as could the HAWK 200. Both would tie us over till about Q2 next year (with the right IR AAM). When things like the F-15 and Su-27 appear on the theatre, then we could get Typhoon DA2. If more advanced ground attackers begin to appear then maybe the Tornado Gr4 or Harrier Gr9 could appear, both would have decent AAMs out of necessity (high BR from Brimstones) In either route, or both route, we have some decent options to filll the void for the next (at most) year. At which point, the Typhoon F2 SHOULD be added. I cant see it being 10 years down the line, no matter how much they hate us

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Bruh they gave a 10.0 Chinese tank top tier rounds but can’t give the DS the L26

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I sick of this hold back, but Gaijin never hold back when it comes to Russia or China

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If the EAP is flat out not coming under any circumstances, please say there is at least some top tier aircraft for Britain that will be competitive in the matchmaker in the works, (so no separate AMRAAM tornado F.3 or sea harrier FA.2 with AMRAAM)

You’re basically asking it to lie.
They don’t care about the UK, except when they are actively gimping their vehicles/weapons.
The truth is inappropriate.

So the MBT 2000 with ERA - better mobility etc gets this at 10.0. But they cant give the DS its L26 round.


It is normal that it has a better bullet, the MBT 2000 is from 2001, while the Challenger DS is from 1991.
Here the problem would be the Br.

Ok but how does the fact that Gaijin wont give the DS its ammo it used?

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