Challenger DS may need L26 APFSDS ammunation :(

I think it could be worth to make a separate post/announcement talking about the Yak-141 and F-5C situation with additional clarifications to clear up any misunderstandings

We already made a response from the developers blog on the Yak-141 when it was released and we have answered the question on F-5C flares many times

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I meant something separate because people will just keep on bringing up the same argument over and over

I mean, we had the same top tier jet for 3 years before the Gr.7, I can wait…

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Yep, peobably will need to wait 3 years before we get something to replace the harrier. Which will be 1 year old by the time of this update…

I hate getting only 1 viable top tier jet every 3 years. But if the US/soviets go 10 minutes without a new jet… well, that would be unfair

US had/has many versions of the F-16, F-14, F-18, F-15… While Britain only had the Tornado and the Sea Harrier, for me at least this was expected, we just have to wait.

Personally, I don’t think that’s actually all that true

SHar FA2 could be decent as could the HAWK 200. Both would tie us over till about Q2 next year (with the right IR AAM). When things like the F-15 and Su-27 appear on the theatre, then we could get Typhoon DA2. If more advanced ground attackers begin to appear then maybe the Tornado Gr4 or Harrier Gr9 could appear, both would have decent AAMs out of necessity (high BR from Brimstones) In either route, or both route, we have some decent options to filll the void for the next (at most) year. At which point, the Typhoon F2 SHOULD be added. I cant see it being 10 years down the line, no matter how much they hate us

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Bruh they gave a 10.0 Chinese tank top tier rounds but can’t give the DS the L26

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I sick of this hold back, but Gaijin never hold back when it comes to Russia or China

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If the EAP is flat out not coming under any circumstances, please say there is at least some top tier aircraft for Britain that will be competitive in the matchmaker in the works, (so no separate AMRAAM tornado F.3 or sea harrier FA.2 with AMRAAM)

You’re basically asking it to lie.
They don’t care about the UK, except when they are actively gimping their vehicles/weapons.
The truth is inappropriate.

So the MBT 2000 with ERA - better mobility etc gets this at 10.0. But they cant give the DS its L26 round.


It is normal that it has a better bullet, the MBT 2000 is from 2001, while the Challenger DS is from 1991.
Here the problem would be the Br.

Ok but how does the fact that Gaijin wont give the DS its ammo it used?

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Doesnt matter.

Almost all Nato top tier tanks are older then current russian top tier tanks yet they’re using similiar or even better ammunition in this case.

Chally DS deserves its L26 just like how base M1 deserves its M833.

They went beyond not holding back. They gave them entire systems and tech that didn’t actually work. But made it science fiction and work.

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For the balance issue, it seems that the Challenger with the L26 would be too OP, according to gaijin.

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The Historically accurate ammo for the Chally DS, and the ammo it used during Desert Storm (DS) was the L26. A shell very much in game and found on its TT counterpart, the Mk3. I dont think anyone would complain about it going up to 10.3 as a result of this change to match the Mk3. Btu the only reason to not give it L26 was to cap its BR at 10.0. Made sense when it was new. Makes no sense now


Mk3 at 10.3 isnt? Nor is the Vickers Mk7

YES, it is the most ridiculous thing the game has, to supposedly balance they have tanks from the 90s fight against those from the 2010s.