Challenger 3 (TD) should have a 5 second reload [Poll]

Commanders sight has very little offset when using it for firing.


They just “reworked” the Chally 2/3 and the result was as uninspiring as we all expected. I have zero faith in them to buff the reload speed of the 3TD. It honestly just feels like they make British tanks harder on purpose to serve as targets for Russia/Germany.

Let’s not forget that their reaction to the manpads devblog CR2 feedback was to bury their heads in the sand and say nothing. They originally claimed there would be more blogs about the CR2 rework, but we’ve had nothing.

It’s like they did their research and put the buffs into the dev server, like the mantlet improvements, before someone had a knock on the door a divine insight that told them they needed to nerf it into the ground.


But how about that new engine!!.. Strangled by an outdated gearbox XD

Thankfully i can now spend my time in a hellpod and not have to worry about gaijins poor efforts with minor tech tree’s.


Red lining the CR3TD all day every day.

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Like putting a v12 in a VW beatle

Why not?

Another pro: looks dope as hell xD.

Looks like a futuristic sci-fi tank.


What gets me, it was on dev and was looking great, but they just deleted it and went with, well not the minimum effort as that would have been better than what we got.

I’m very suspicious by nature, but something went on we’re not privy to. You don’t go from an almost done rework to junking it and releasing the craptastic update without a reason. That made me incredibly angry.

Combine that with the radio silence when it did drop , and my opinion of gaijin went to an all time low.

I was looking at the French fl-11 Sherman the other day and was going to get it, then remembered the debacle of the stingers and the ch2. Sure, it’s a cheap premium but still.

No more premiums or premium time - ever for me.


yep, things were looking somewhat good on dev server.

after looking at it and confirming the challenger wouldnt be trash they nerfed it to trash and responded to critics with “work is done but well adress bug reports”

and of course they will be reading through feedback for the next 2 years to see how theyr wonderfull rework turned out.


Don’t like how the breach look, not going to lie.
Though yeah it looks alright, wish in the future we will get the proper CR3 will all the upgrades it should get.

Yeah same for me. For them to have the improved version on the dev server only to yank it for live, without any comment at all? Definitely smells fishy to me. They probably got some performance data on how it was doing against other tanks, and realised it was going to be a big no-no and piss off a larger proportion of the playerbase.

Yeah I’ve reached the same point. The stinger fiasco had them on thin ice, but now enough is enough for me.


“after the British community complained about getting nothing but MBTs, Britain will not get any more MBTs for the next 3 years”

Well, could be time for something something



Ofc forum hates full caps

Don’t forget Abrams ERA was looking juicy. Then it was magically reverted on release.

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Would more boycotting need to be done just to get them to do something

Is that a rhetorical question or are you genuinely asking?

Just upset that the CR3 could have saved British top tier then gets trashed

The boycott didn’t really achieve much last time, it was the review bomb that got real results. Unfortunately the British player base mustn’t be big enough to scare them, otherwise they wouldn’t feel so comfortable shafting UK ground vehicles constantly.

Note to Pacifica - I am not advocating review bombing, I am advocating people leave their honest feedback about War Thunder and Gaijin in their reviews. If that happens to be majority negative then it’s your fault.