Challenger 3 MBT - Technical Data and Discussion

I don’t think there will be any layout changes unless RBSL uses the new Hull

Have they not stated the turret shell as being fully welded now instead of cast, surely this would result in some changes to the layout of it?

The turret will not be the same, the trophy APS needs to be intergrated still


Dumb question.
My brain isnt fully engaged this morning.

When they say the CR3 has options for add-on armour, what do they mean?

Like the OES packages of ERA/NERA, or is it like the wedges on the face of the turret like Leos have?

Like DL2 packs, so yea 2E 2F TES 2I something like that.


You will get to see more sexy armour packages, and whatever they do for the turret. Maybe it will be similar and maybe it will be different since its a different company making the packages, I think? (idk, i just see pretty tank :D)

They might pull 130 on the turret, so a bonus armour on the cheeks and mantlet

Yes, there are additional blocks on the 130 cheeks that make it look flat, but the normal cheeks are still under them

No no, they will add ERA blocks to the turret cheeks


This real?

Yea, its one of the Cr2 gifted to Ukraine, with armour package taken from T64BM2

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how good is the ERA is it kontact 1

Kontact 5, same as on the T64BM

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give me it now

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Cant, im no gaijin worker

infiltrate them

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I have to say this. If you failed to notice, it is a photoshop

you’re the real troll

Sorry had to do it
at least i give the true info, the era is photoshoped from T64BM2