Challenger 3 MBT - Technical Data and Discussion

i would prefer they wait for the trials one if they wish to add another before the delivered version.

that one doesnt even have a loader machine gun mounted

Yeah, i can see this, if they add the 2021 model with the trophy, this one and the production model people will cry because there are too many challengers and they dont have their abrams X or kf51
They could give the one in game a modification upgrading it to the 2021 standard

also i dont want to grind 5 cr3. a very good lineup would be the trials one which even if it doesnt have trophy mounted will have spall liners, the production model and the production model with addon armour.

a 3 tank lineup for top tier

I made a suggestion for making addon armor and trophy a modification for CR3 . So it would work like t80-bvm or t72-b3, but it got deleted for some reason

I rather them add the prototype when it has trophy and its other add ons

Id rather they not add anymore mainline challengers atm,maybe start adding some like the al hussain or the falcon to fill-up the export line.

Yeah i agree with that maybe some Canadian stuff

The Falcon Turret is what i want… be cool…

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i would also just take the stock al hussein. A chally 1 with the gun of the CV90120 is already awsome enough plus you could get the turret add on armor



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honestly looks like a easy unique 11.0



AH yes Ze faclon

yeah theres alot of unique options left for the UK tree, i just hope as many as possible are TT and not event or god forbid premiums


Al Hussein with the CV90120 Cannon looks like a better prem than the CR DS


probably but with the addon armour and what i imagine would be a version of M338 as its top shell it would easily be 11.0 probably 11.3 which is taken up by the OES now

it used KE-W same shell found on the M1A1 AIM in game

Any data about the real cr3p¿

ah i see, still probably 10.7 minimum then and most likely a 11.0 if it was to be introduced and maybe after the Vickers MK7 as this line would probably work best for the weird and unique export tanks

i say 11.0 as it is up armoured with a a good shell

Only the pics