Challenger 3 MBT - Technical Data and Discussion

oh my bad

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we didnt get any sideshots did we?

No way they would give us that. Have they ever given an excuse source for why they won’t do this? They “can’t see” how the breech would be that armoured I guess?

Am I tripping, or does the latest iteration of Challenger 3 clearly have composite armor on the mantlet?


what it is

“Delivery of the first pre-production Challenger 3 and the commencement of trials marks a critical milestone on the journey to the Army’s modernised Main Battle Tank capability. Challenger 3 will be at the heart of the Army’s Armoured Brigade Combat Teams, alongside Ajax and Boxer, under Future Soldier. Events in Ukraine have underscored the need for credible warfighting capabilities. The Army’s Armoured Brigade Combat Teams, with Challenger 3 at their centre, are key to the UK’s contribution to NATO’s deterrence.”

snail gib ajax

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That’s literally my first thought

i do love my airgaps


Nah, must be 40mm aluminium.

So CR3 isn’t going to have the upgraded engine from the 2E?

Chally 2E uses a MTU basically the same engine the Leo 2 uses, Chally 3 uses an uprated chally 2 engine with a new transmission i belive

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That is if they want to spend some money to get the transmission Cooling system working.

It is the same, but upgraded

Is it me or is the breach/drivers port weakspot even bigger on the new prototype, looks like the lower half of the mantlet armour wedge thing is missing. Maybe it’s the gun’s elevation angle?

Depends how much the trials crew complain about the engine(the only remaining hope for that)

They could also be clever and make another prototype with the MTU to compare

This is what I’m hoping for.

Sabotage the engines so they all break down.

The MTU engine is not a drop in replacement for the current power pack. It would require a fairly major rear hull rework (the output shaft is in a different place for starters).

First of all, 2E was used for foreign trade, so it replaced the European Power Pack (MTU883)
The power upgrade of Challenger 3 needs to be traced back to the CV12-9A engine developed under HAAIP.
The CV12 TCA MK9A engine can be traced back to the CV12-8A engine used in the “Titan” AVLB armoured bridge vehicle and the “Troy” AVRE armoured engineering vehicle (in fact, they are exactly the same just to adjust the torque curve in the TN54E transmission system adapted to CR3, and the model is also modified to the CV12-9A engine)

better TN54E has already been test

Good news, there is armor here