Challenger 3 MBT - Technical Data and Discussion

Not if you’re taking the cupola off old CR2 turrets and recycling them on new ones, which is what appears is happening with CR3. It’s just a cupola; there’s no need to reinvent the wheel when you have established subcontractors and spares for the cupola and peris.
I forget what company manufactures AFV cupolas these days, but like roadwheels and other components, CR2’s cupolas were not done in-house by BAE

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Its a photoshop sadly

read further

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War Thunder Screenshot 2024.02.03 -
I love M1

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M1 is much easier to kill

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Challenger 3 prototype 1 of 8 going under testing in Germany !!


So new plates on the top of the turret making it less boxy, this sparks joy.


Tier 4 forehead modification unlocked


Tier 4head

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Wish they could have taken a picture of the turre the right way around lol. Can’t really see what the mantlet is looking like.

Looks the same as in the first photos


Same as the first photos, maybe the next prototypes will have different mantlets

The front plates look thicker than on the Cr2 and the smoke launchers are lower down on the cheeks

What makes you think that?

No reason, just a thought they might change the design some way.

I would guess with the repositioning of the the smoke launchers ewe could expect a turret front add on?

Perhaps or maybe to have the wiring go under the main armour face rather than through it? Although it may be like that on Cr2 and this is purely a design choice

Indeed! When I saw the first pre-production pictures, I found its lack of forehead disturbing lmao

It looked like an unfinished model kit, or a drawing by a kid.

Now it looks fiiiiiine.

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i was thinking and wouldnt it be easy to just move the smoke launchers if they want to had the wedges like the 130mm version has?

i mean i suspect theyre activated from a wire that goes underneath the turret.

also a lot of comments on x talk about “only” 148 but if we consider materials like titanium in the composite price isnt also that important as availability of those materials.

You can see here that there are small notches on the lower edge of the cheek which the wiring for the launchers is routed through

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