Challenger 3 MBT - Technical Data and Discussion

It’s looking very strange.

they basically did the same thing they did with the challenger 2, new turret, same hull


Preferred this one ngl, MOD better make the right choice.


Sorry to say this, but it is not a choice. It sailed long ago, it just serverd as a demonstrator of a 130 autoloaded gun. Base is a 2019 Cr3 TD with 130 autoloader and additonal armour


Project has already failed the drip procurement process.

i can see the 200mm gun shield from here
also the entire breach is somehow just worse looking than on the TD
why the hell are those edges welded upwards

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It looks very strange but Im starting to like it :)

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They will put something like the TOGS on top of it?

Nope, no need as TVD is integrated into the sight

hmmm, just to look silly then

common sense but no apparently not. that said i wouldn’t be entirely surprised if that idea gets slapped on.

this really is quite the weakspot
but the nobs might indicate there is some sort of add on armor to further protect it

The issue is probably the drivers hatch and turret cheek clearance, I suppose you could place a block Infront and have a cavity. But the whole point was not to change the hull structure too much

Another (low quality) snapshot for the pile

Seems we’re only allowed to see the front-right side

It’s to hide the fact its a cardboard cut out


Real Question, Is the TD turret meant to be this high ? Since I just got shot under it

Don’t worry she’s just got some Abrams syndrome but it’s not too bad

Yeah like it’s the first time in like 50 battles, just surprised me

Potential future upgrade… We hope XD