Challenger 2s are still completely unusable

Every single Chally 2 is still basically unusable in War Thunder. Their armour is guessed by Gaijin and despite their weight they are always the loser in sniping matches. They cannot pen the armour of anything of their own BR except perhaps the Japanese tanks, but for every other nation the L27 cannot really do anything unless it’s at point-blank range (Which is not how the C2 is supposed to be used).

It has no role in the game with poor long-range armour and a gun that can only do its job at short range (if at all, as it still doesn’t hurt ERA despite the fact the modern Challenger 2 shells are designed specifically to overcome Soviet/Russian ERA)

You have the declassified document about the CHARM project doing much more armour penetration, and it should just be adopted into the game, at least then they’d be slow glass cannons instead of just slow glass.


Nah, they’re pretty fun, definitely not unusable.


downside is they nerfed the horsepower of them i believe. now it is really a struggle bus to keep it moving

like the chally 3 td had 1500 hp but now its down to 1200

I would argue that they are harder to play than other tanks but still usable. IMO they should buff the 1st stage ammo reload so you can get more out of the one advantage of the chally which is the high reload rate.

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They’re not unusable, they’re just obsolete and non-competitive.


if you are that kind of pedantic you can “USE” a pz2 in toptier too.

There are too many buffs they can give the CR2 but refuse to do so, like modeling it’s armour correctly, giving it a 28 round ready rack or even a small reload buff.

CR2s struggles are of Gaijins own making and are not representative of the Challenger 2 IRL.

And if it is so truly this terrible, then there is no reason for it to be at the same BR as everyone else.


There are so many buffs and bug reports available for them it’s not really a fair statement, and if that is truly the case, then why are they at the same BR as everyone else?

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LOL many more iconic British vehicles have the same handicap.

yeah sure

on a slightly less hyperbolic note you can make the same complaint that everything that isn’t a Leopard 2A7 or maybe BVM is “unusable”

Problem is other MBTs have outstanding bug reports, no one is ever happy with their top MBT and nothing is really going to fix the Challenger 2 being slow with a relatively weak shell


same reason the Ariete AMV and VT4A1 are required to be 12.0 I guess

Well, you could start by increasing the challenger 2s ready rack from 4 rounds to its irl 28 rounds which would greatly improve it’s sustained fire rate.

L27A1 can get a small buff to it’s pen but also likely has some issues with it’s post pen damage as well.

Also, there is always the option for increasing fire rate to compensate for any poor round performance, was how the challenger 2 was balanced for years until 5 seconds became the norm.

Fix the armour as well and you know have a slow but well protected tank that does well in hull down battles. Especially if some if not all got access to their dozer blades (literally in the files but disabled for the base CR2)

If they fixed the mantlet and turret armor the mobility would be ok. But gajjin wont touch the cr2 with a barge pole after that window licker leaked classified docs

Exactly. They outright buffed the Japanese top-tier tanks to be ahistorical with faster reload rates when they struggled.

imo they need to bite the bullet and just buff the ammo pen. Gaijin likes to talk about needing sources, gets given a source of declassified info saying CHARM project was penning 700mm+ because its entire point was to pen soviet ERA, and then they go “eh, idk, it was only ‘equivalent’ to RHA…” and refuse to do it.

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You’re both right and wrong, the Japanese top tiers (TKX (P), TKX and Type 10) are ahistorical currently due to lacking options to their reload, irl there are a variety of selectable options for the autoloader that can allow for WAR firepower being a 2s to 3 second reload but risking barrel longevity, a SEMI-WAR reload rate being what’s modelled in game and a couple of other modes for different scenarios,
So your point is correct that the Japanese reloads are ahistorical, but they are still too long and even in game the average reload of competitors (5.0 flat with ace) I reckon gaijin has warrant to decrease them to WAR capacity to allow for a 3 second reload

Either way. Challenger 2s across the board have no armour and even the weakest MBTs at top-tier are going through the turrets with ease. 2S38s and even WW2 pumas can kill us from the front, and everything absorbs the L27 round as if we hit them with a wet sponge.

Have you tried the black night? at range that thing is a beast, with its APS you dont need first shot to win, you can tank 4 accurate shots before you need to worry (+ su34 missles :D)

There are still significant issues with the BN that could be addressed to significantly improve it’s performance, such as increasing it’s ready rack to IRL levels and fixing the issues surrounding it’s mantlet.

If its nato, its armor is just going to let 3BM 42 go right through it.

gaijin hate the U.S / U.K ground tech trees.

In the Challenger 2s case, its more than just that. It has literal holes in its model where they refuse to model the parts that go into those holes. Like the Trunnion pins iirc.

But then you also have the ERA on things like the TES which cant even stop a conventional RPG at the moment