Challenger 2s are still completely unusable

yeah about 5- years ago those holes were in all tanks, even the russian t series… somehow gaijin magically fixed the ones in russian tanks within a week and left everyone elses armor gaps open.

Seeing the reputation of devs that does not even surprise the playerbase :(

If a tank is not very mobile it has a disadvantage. They nerfed mobility of certain brit tanks and armor does not work how it should.

Then the question remains, why are they not willing to fix the problems with those tanks .

Problem is other MBTs have outstanding bug reports, no one is ever happy with their top MBT and nothing is really going to fix the Challenger 2 being slow with a relatively weak shell

Lol, no other tank has been so nerfed by gaijin as the ch2, possibly the sholef.

It would be 5 minutes work to increase the ready rack size, making things such as smoke shells more viable to use and yet the refuse. Countless sources and reports and they just refuse to change it.

The ch2 suffers badly from the dogshit transmission modelling in this game. Other tanks have the HP to brute force through it, but the ch2 suffers from transmission modelling I’d expect from a 90’s game, not one in 2024. Jesus christ, it’s almost 2025 and we still don’t have a proper transmission model. Got to spend the time modelling the latest whizz-bang radar set I guess.

Believe it or not, this is the “fixed” version. Previously you couldn’t even turn in a circle without constantly shuddering to a halt and they left it like that for years.

At this point, it’s not even laziness, its deliberate.


gaijin even puts aromur hidden were it doesnt belong. looking at you is6 until some time after release datamaines found out… suprising… not

yup that why why people say theres no russian bias, i sit bac and laugh. other found out soviet top tier T series tan had a hidden feature to survive over pressure, their ammo was and still is suspiciously resistant to blowing up, and its known that their armor is over performing

Sure, it’s a one-off good tank, but even then Gaijin nerfed it so the APS can’t aim up at all and AGMs are a hard-counter no matter what since Gaijin loves the idea of Aircraft preventing people from enjoying ground battles.

The ready rack issue (should be 24/28 pcs instead of 3/4 pcs) was accepted in October 2023 but has yet to be implemented. I’m usure what Gaijin their “acceptable timeframe” for addressing “accepted” bugs is, but this seems more like a prioritization decision to avoid fixing it rather than an oversight. Either way, let them fix it or be honest about not fixing it for transparant reasons.

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This is how they deal with accepted reports, they anonymously hide behind “accepted suggestion” (admitting they know something is up), say it’s not a bug without disclosing why - while having been presented evidence otherwise. Always the same with Gaijin, a company in it for the pesos not the players.