Challenger 2 needs to be brought to developers attention

Check the data and discussion topic, it is there. But for short, pixel measures from Gaijin side
side armour report

That report is not about it. It is about the giant block that is close to the ground, and the nera blocks on 2f

my bad, is the one at the bottom

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Here is the photo. However that is a Dorchester 2G configuration. The bottom block stayed the same in the 2h/i, but the back plate did not, and we tried to prove it


Has anyone played the OES in dev?

Anything to share?

Knowing the state of the CR2s already, and mainly playing the 2F, i already know buying it is going to be a bad idea / not worth it.

But the Brit main inside me wants it because its another Chally.

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It’s just what you expect from a challenger 2 in this game, slow, loses most of it’s speed on the slightest turn, has a gearbox which I think was done by a group of toddlers on a sugar rush, the crew aren’t in the correct position, the ammo isn’t in the correct position, the ready rack reload rate is glacial and the armour is questionable at best.

In other words, it’s a TES with a .50 machine gun and a tiny amount of extra ERA. It is most certainly not worth what they’re trying to charge for it.

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Ok, take the TES, and replace the rooftop 7,62 with 12,5. you get OES, everything else 1:1. The plates on the turret nera give you nothing


Consider also the kind of environment you’ll be playing in BR-bracket-wise. CR1 is actually quite nice because you aren’t facing solid teams of MiG-27s, Panstirs, Ka-50s and BVMs every…single…match. Also you get to beat up TURMS players so that also helps.

In the CR2 OES you will be sucked up into the top tier almost all the time. Facing all the broken stuff we have learned to despise. Plus whatever abberration the T-90M turns out to be (let’s be honest - it’s not going to be underpowered if it goes anywhere near live servers).

Your money - but I wouldn’t if it was me.

Currently the OES only has a 50cal and spaced 20mm structure steel over the NERA blocks on the turret which by the way the 20mm structure steel should be RHA !!


No there are a number of differences. A keen eyed viewer would notice that in game we do not ahve the anit IED table modelled correctly. You can clearly see a hollow cylinder like shaoe made out of metal rods.

the t90 is the ultimate hold w machine, it wont even let you press s

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apperently we dont have to suffer stock heat syndrom after all


Do enjoy thanks to us using BESH for so long this only impacts the CR3(p) haha.


Just in time for tge first top tier British mbt to have to suffer the heat fs grind too XD absolute bonus, I’ve got so many top mbts to play now the heat fs situation is gone

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Me too man. Me too.


It was, for a few days, also do we count sa sub tree or no?
And all this because a well known picture maker got mad
/j (if you are reading this, dont be mad)

Picture maker?

Yeah, let me grab some

And the newest one
@FlyingOstridge now you know who?


ZA isn’t British British. I wouldn’t count them.