Challenger 2 needs to be brought to developers attention

Nah, L55a1 can withstand higher pressure of Dm73 esplosive

looks like its going to be regular CR2 armour unless someone wants to go to jail. i mean thats what it probably is on the LEP turret but who knows


O I do know that but what I’m looking to know is since we are getting DM53 will we get better performance from DM53 fired from the L55A1 compaired to the L55 ??

No. The 53 does not change the amount of explosive it has. It will be identical

Nah, this will be renamed Technology Demonstrator

Maybe? We will see

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Sussy docs, lemme get them

nah its just the RHE brochure on the new gun
nothing special

Ik ik

L55A1 has higher velocity than the L55. It’s not much higher tbh, but it is enough that there should be a difference between the 2.

Another question: does this mean that it is the first stock Heat FS top tier tank Britian gets? XD can’t wait for the pain

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Yes it does, Then again the swedish leopards dont have HEAT-FS so maybe we can be blessed with Stock APFSDS

VFM5 and vicker mk11 have stock HEAT-FS

But they are not top tier tanks, so the opponents they face can be killed with Heat FS easier

Not the gun by itself. The pressure that explosive of Dm73 generate is higher, allowing for higher speed of penetrators. A1 is an upgrade to make is sustain the higher pressure.

Higher pressure, firing DM53 and 63 should provide the same velocity.

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Booo. Your supposed to say it’s superior in every way cause it’s Bri’ish


I wonder if it will keep the 5s reload or if the challengers will finally succumb to the generic 6s spaded and loose everything that made it unique. Probably the latter but one can hope

Doubt the 5s. Expect the Leo 2 reload time so 6s

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