Challenger 2 needs to be brought to developers attention

So here i go i guess


@Gunjob can you also look at this?


But, my chieftain won’t sound like it’s trying to eject its pistons when going up a hill if it’s fixed 🤨

Sorry man, casualties at war are inevitable. Als you will be able to hear it in the Cr1/2/Khalid so nothing is lost.


The sound was bug reported alil while ago… Apparently it wasn’t a bug lool

Ye i also saw that, but we will see if i will get lucky

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While we’re on the subject, I wonder if it’s worth while starting a thread about sound level normalisation.

I always feel bad for bmps as you can hear them from miles away, while some things are very quiet. The chief is pretty loud too, sound levels could probably do with an audit unless it’s used as a balancing mechanism of course.

Well, it can be started. I doubt ballancing is a case. Most likely just some engines are coded louder than other.

I’ll forward it, but for the CR2 with the Selex Enforcer only.


Still better than nothing

Forwarded the engine sounds too.


Thank you o7

I’ve linked both onto the master bug list


Looking back over this thread I remembered that the Warrior is something I wanted to talk about. Are we Sure that it’s 100% realistic or do we need to bring it up with Gaijin.

Nvm, but something is probably wrong

Aint its fire rate 10rpm too slow ?

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I was thinking Moreso about the Chobham block on the drivers front. Considering that the CR2’s armour is underperforming then the Warrior’s could be.

Honestly they could have OP chobham and i’d still hate playing the pos lol, its awful for so many more reasons outside the armour, if you wanna improve it by all means but i don’t think it’ll help it much tbh.

While it’s true that the Warrior isn’t the best IFV it’s still not terrible. The issues I’ve experienced with it is mostly because of the cannon:

  1. 10rpm too slow
  2. AP and HE should be 2 different belts
  3. Missing APFSDS (not that I’m saying that it will make it good).
    I wouldn’t mind the Desert Warrior or the VERDI-2

I think it is. It takes 4s to fire 6 bullet clip and then 1s to reload it. So 5s per 6 bullets. 60/5- 12 and 12*6=72. My calculations might be wrong in the 4s part, as i relied on stopwatch, but yea around 10rpm less