Challenger 2 needs to be brought to developers attention

BM-46 was never an export round, BM-42 on the other hand has been the prime export round for Russia until BM-60 entered service (the T-80U that was brought for Swedish trials in 1993 in fact, did not have 3BM-46 for example).

Yes I know and I feel it when I play these tanks, I just said that because gaijin tends to deny that “datamines are not a source” and as long as they dont confirm that we only know for 99% if its ture.
You know “for legal reasons”. XD

The same sources specify that T-80U was precisely the reference threat.

SR(L) 4026 was published in 1987, so predates the T-80Us the UK purchased in 1992.

Gaijin are probably basing the hull armour off this document. But I have some doubts over how accurate it is:

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I came across this whilst researching something else: Thales Optronic Systems.

According to this, the Challenger 2 can mount a .50 cal. I don’t know whether this applies to all Challengers or just the 2E. Do with it what you will.

Nice! I will try to work around this.
Ok flase alarm, they are 7.62
I got one

I wonder if it will pass.


And now the biggest question.
@Gunjob if i make the bug report providing sources and photos that CR2 should mount .50 cal, will It get passed?

Is there actually evidence of the Challenger 2 mounting a 50 cal, or is it just a case that it would be theoretically possible to mount one to it?

I got photos of 50 cal mounted on the Enforcer, and that photo up

12.7 3
12.7 4
@Flame2512 all i have from photos

It is harder to find photos of cr2 with .50 cal than i suspected.


Isn’t that photo in the middle a Challenger 2?

1st and 2nd are cr2 for sure, I dont know what 3rd is, but it is enforcer so Cr2 compatible

A very bad attempt of recreation of 1st photo. If you remove the bird table and antenne at the back it it the same
Also my ansel just crashed my drivers so no more screens like that from me

It’s sad, but Gaijin only released the Black Night and the E because it’s just copy and paste. There have been suggestions since 2020 for them to update the engine sound, and they still haven’t done it. This forum is a waste of time; three years is unacceptable. They only cater to Germany, Russia, and the USA. This nation is abandoned in every aspect; when it receives something, it’s just copy and paste.

It is true that i cant get out of my head the impression that Cr2 in game sounds more like chieftain IRL, and Chief sound like Cr2

But its not like snail would mess up Leyland with Perkins, right?


It really seems that this Chieftain has the sound of the Chally 2, although it’s a bit low. I think you just found a bug. Ideally, the sound of the Challenger 2 should be the same as in this mod: That would be perfect.

That sound nice. Lemme just check how Cr1 sound to see if it is right or no
Ok it is the same a Cr2

Yeah, the RCWS supports 50cal and 40mm. I can’t see an issue with suggesting other options.


So im getting to making the bug report.

@Gunjob can you look at it?

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So should i report this?

I don’t see why not. It’ll make everyone think “what the hell is a challenger doing at 8.7?”