Challenger 2 needs to be brought to developers attention

Aint its fire rate 10rpm too slow ?

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I was thinking Moreso about the Chobham block on the drivers front. Considering that the CR2’s armour is underperforming then the Warrior’s could be.

Honestly they could have OP chobham and i’d still hate playing the pos lol, its awful for so many more reasons outside the armour, if you wanna improve it by all means but i don’t think it’ll help it much tbh.

While it’s true that the Warrior isn’t the best IFV it’s still not terrible. The issues I’ve experienced with it is mostly because of the cannon:

  1. 10rpm too slow
  2. AP and HE should be 2 different belts
  3. Missing APFSDS (not that I’m saying that it will make it good).
    I wouldn’t mind the Desert Warrior or the VERDI-2

I think it is. It takes 4s to fire 6 bullet clip and then 1s to reload it. So 5s per 6 bullets. 60/5- 12 and 12*6=72. My calculations might be wrong in the 4s part, as i relied on stopwatch, but yea around 10rpm less



I’m 90% sure I’ve seen a document stating 70 rounds per minute

I have seen that it should have max 80 rpm

Old forum suggestion states it should be 90


How is a suggestion from 2019 atill not implemented when we literally have one ifv

cause British


Which one do you mean?
UK is waiting for a light tank for 6 years
Oh wait, we got the Vic 11 so not anymore


What’s another 6 years eigh?

After all, it is just a drop in a vast ocean of time
Sorry i got a little worse for a while.
Yea, 6 years seems fine by me

Fun fact the Warrior has an APFSDS round for the current gun, its just a retooled Puma APFSDS in the 30mm British Casing.


I cannot see it, so it does not exist
I know it does, its just not in game

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My guy, you are typing for over 10 min, what are you cooking?

APFSDS 121 119 111 97 93 83
Yikes. Not much more than what we have now.
However also
APDS 87 86 81 75 70 65

I mean an ifv like the bradley or bmp, not a wolfpack style tank destroyer

Its about about the flat pen tho as the main thing about apfsds is the angle pen