Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion

Was playing the T90M yesterday, trying to spade it.

Encountered a CR2.OES.

Put 1 3BM60 through the mantlet and took his crew and some modules.

I felt dirty.
I had to go shower afterwards.

As a CR2 player, I knew their pain.


Was doing this playing the m1 Aim, I verbally apologise each time I kill a Chally.


Yesterday I was grinding for the ADATS with my lineup:

(I have planes up to the meteor and only the wasp HAS.)

After 3 games I redeemed my coupon for the Leo2AV and started grinding the german tree


You need to taste the British apache. The ambush of blind ka52s with starstreaks is so entertaining


on my way to it, the new heli just crossed my plans a bit ;/

Played 3 games this morning every side shot is an ammo detonation, we are back to this nonsense I swear every time they patch this game they break something else!

Shot went through the engine and into the charge bins detonation
Second shot under the turret destroyed the ammo.

At this point the CR2 could be 9.7 and it still wouldn’t be OP joke of a tank

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iirc the last major they made ammo hits a guaranteed detonation when stuck by the penitrator, tanks with large ammuntion racks suffer most from this. It’s one of the reasons the fox has been doing so well, get’s lots of one hits via ammo cook off

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I feel like each time I shoot an T series tank, their ammo eat darts on breakfast. Then we have the Leopards that are so god damn survivable. Almost impossible to oneshot…

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I Stopped playing my CR2s in favour of spading my Russian 11.7 line.

Much more survivable tanks (shock horror)

Decided to stop playing Rus 11.7 to pad out my German 11.7 line…Not a fun time.
Every game I played in Ger, the team with Russia had total control of the game within about 5 minutes.
Russian tank survival, along with having the Pantsir and SU25SM3, they absolute steamroll more often than not.

If you want to enjoy top tier, play Rus, thats all you can do.


But Russian tanks are so boring.

Who’s team was Sweden on?

Agreed. Russian tanks are boring.

They’re fun for a short while.

Which is why I want to pad out my other nations top tier tanks but it’s so unbearable.

Can’t remember honestly which side they were on.

But my first 5 matches playing German 11.7 today we got steamrolled. Mainly by overwhelming air power.

That’s why Im no rush to play 11.7 of any nation.

10.0-11.3 is far better even with the omega strong M1A1s and Fujis.

All 11.7 SPAA such shit excluding Pantsir and if your not playing Russia/Sweden/Germany then your actively a waste of a teammate.

I wish this wasn’t the case, we spend so much time grinding to top tier, only to play an incredibly imbalanced, poorly thought out game mode, where the meta isn’t even ground vehicles.

And that’s ignoring the poorly modelled vehicles of the ‘other’ nations, as we know with the CR2.


The problems of top tier and alot of tanks live rent free in my head.

I wish for all up-armored MBTs to be just a good a STRV/2A7/BVM/T90M yet they all are trash OR they haven’t been added yet to the nations that need them.

War Kit Ariete/TES/OES/SXXXI Are simply not good up-armored MBTs or are…

Poorly modeled and Gaijin doesn’t care enough to make them Balanced.

At some point, game play balance and parity needs to take precedence over realism and historically accuracy.

My only hope for top tier is for there to be a full RB between the base chally and equivalents and the meta tanks like 2A7V

yeah. Think we all wish that.

Top Tier Ground needs to go to 12.3 or 12.7

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Then the Current 11.0-11.7 need to be redistributed between 11.0-12.3/12.7

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That’s the thing, they will never be equal to the leos and strv’s just like irl because they were made with different doctrines in mind.
Take the TES/OES. They are some serious chunky bois so ofc their mobility will suck compared to the strv’s, and other stuff like crew positions, hull spall liner, etc etc

Thats what gaijin should do, but we’ve dug our grave there with the notion of being a historically accurate game, if they do this it would be held against them to be used against other vehicles.
" If you artificially buffed the challies, why not buff the T80? Britain Bias "
They would be forced to either buff everything or nerf the chally back ( which they’ll chose)

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Gamplay Balance and parity should take precedence over “muh doctrine”. You take a look at all ERA tanks for NATO, are any of ERA tanks even good? SepV2/TES/OES/PSOs/Azure. No not really, their ERA packages are just a waste, they offer no advantages over their downsides. Maybe Leo PSO being the most usable simply because its a Leopard.

Gaijin has dug their grave with choosing when and where they apply their bullshit Historically Accurate to WT. The community would mostly understand if Gaijin deviated from history given good reason BUT instead Gaijin nit picks and leaves gaping inconsistency in regards to realism and accuracy. Which is where people have the problem with Gaijin’s inconsistencies.

Yes buffs are needed for the Challenger 2/3s (As well as all minor nation tanks). Why go through the effort of adding top tier tanks to the game when they are utter dogshit and don’t fit or are so incomprehensibly poorly modeled…Laughs in Merkava

There is 0 reason for anyone to play anything aside from BVMs/STRV/Leopards. So shouldn’t in theory other tanks be brought to the level that those vehicles sit at?


Beacuse the top 3 (4) nations need targets and thats what the CR series tanks are
Italy have a Leopard 2A6/7
France are getting the Dutch subtree and they will have a 2A6NL maybe a 2A8

That leaves Britain with a weaker worse version than a Leopard 2A6.

Gaijins solution is to give everyone a Leopard, T-series tank or an M1