Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

I have a question to ask you (for a joke) are you closer to Gdańsk or Kraków?

No it was a rocket from a mig

Im in the 2nd one

Oh, well…

So you’re a South Pole.

My point was i didnt instantly explode from being looked at

Yes, im a pole titled south, and i leave the house to feild, unlike those North poles that leave to manor
(Na pole, Na dwór. There is a debate what is the right thing to say, eternal one)

Goes without saying but do be kind to both Smin and Gunjob and any of the other tech mods who may reply to my research. If they end up wanting to change nothing and reject my proposals, then that’s a suit and tie decision, nothing to do with our Comm managers or Tech mods. They’re really lovely folks and have been nothing but helpful and communicative with me on the various topics.

If they decide TES mounts effectively korean war ERA while Russia is the only country that can produce effective ERA - thats on them and I won’t be trying again to change their minds. My evidence has been laid out clear as day with plenty of explanations and soueces. I’ve gone through roughly 4 iterations of my research to ensure it holds up to Gaijins definitions where possible and makes sense to the period in which the ERA was fielded.

Beyond that? Thats on them. Just remember to be nice to them as they’re just the messengers on this one. We’ll know where Gaijins priorities lay, soon enough.


Me about to unleash R&D mode on Smin (those who know, know)




And of course, as always - Thank you ever so much for your support and kind words on my research endevours, and helping me to patch holes in it where it needs it so it holds up to scrutiny. You guys are great, and hopefully our efforts have not been wasted.

While i’m sure plenty of folks with jump to say “Gaijin bad” before they even read my research - You have to at least try, to have a chance of success.
If they turn around and say no then at least we did our best and gave it a fair shot.


That’s what 80% of the WT community forget: these people are employees of their faceless corporate overlords (with possibly the exception of Stona).
Trickz was not the person with the bug reports but the WT community needed a Scape goat and because he was the frontman for these faceless suits they crucified him and his family.

Trickz’ way of speaking seems to be just an eastern European blasé attitude. Blunt and emotionless. Just like their parents.


Even others on the forum who aren’t even employee or tech mods get it like that mig23 guy who got doxxed

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I think the ZZ has a second thing to it, “unproffesional” behavior

I guess na zewnątrz would be the most universal. For all of us reverse Indonesians

I’m honestly not sure why there’s so much hate towards certain technical moderators. They’re given info to pass on. This isn’t their call to make, just to act as a relay from Customer to Developer, while vetting information.

Be it Gunjob, Trickz, or anyone else - Remember these are people at the end of the day and deserve their due respect for hearing us out, even if the developers return a no.


Yep, that is also what i use not to hurt anyone feelings.
Also indonesia coped from us puffed chest

From what I heard he was also miserable sod when it went down. Still didn’t deserve it though.

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Yeah he always seems to be like that

That was horrible to do to him tbh, as much as I debate with the guy, he’s only ever made fact based reports.