Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

I will say, I even put my final proposal for the KE side of ASPRO-HMT to a private audience of 7 people, some with military history knowledge, some completely green folks.
It has been vetted for readability, clarity, logic and sources and has been corrected multiple times based on feedback.

This is about as far as anyone will go, I think, to make the point that ASPRO-HMT has higher KE values.
Thankfully the CE values are source verified so its quite easy to point at and go “They stop PG7VR”. That’ll be a hard one to refute by Gaijin.

For KE, Yes there’s a lot of maths work involved to calculate total protection, from what numbers we do know, but even then, this is highschool mathematics and should be easy to follow and reason.

The KE one might be refused if they just say “ASPRO-HMT is the backing plate as well and tested as a whole array” and to that, I will say there’s 0 evidence to suggest this and multiple sources to the contrary. If they do though: I’ll step back and just let them lead on with the incorrect values knowing I tried my best for y’all.



Yeah doesn’t help that his name maked every one think he is a die hard russian main

Hopefully they will buff the CE as that would make me actually happy


ASPRO-HMT is in direct response to the British Army being exposed to tandem warhead RPGs. It’s definitely not just a flat 400mm CE giant block of explosives lol

This I think, Is the most likely to be changed.


Someone care to explain to me, how the side of a HSTV-L, can completely shrug off an L27A1?

Non Penentration


you just got volumetricked

Ah yes, a perfectly working mechanic.

So did that blog say they’d fix the mantlet or just look into it and shrug it off…

The latter.

They will remake armour geometry, might increase might deincrease (latter)

Let us hope they bring in the same people that designed the damage model for the Su-25’s and Ka-50’s instead of the people that designed the Arietes and Leclercs.

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…So basically there’s no hope they’re gonna fix the damn thing even tho there’s photographic evidence their wrong atm… sigh just like always. Problem with the CH2 and CH3s mantlet compared to other tanks isn’t that it has no armour, its how big it is in comparison to the Leopard or the Abrahams and that lack off armour doesn’t do it any good…


Yes i own L30A1 (photo)
Also you know, this thing weights 10.4 ton (long tons) sooo
We now need a weight of the gun itself and we have a weight of the armour

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The actual meaning is:
British tanks did not deserve better mantlet armor
Let British players watch the tank mantlet armor degrade
From the Chieftain MK10 tank to Challenger 1 to Challenger 2 to Challenger 3



Tbh by this point id just want the mods and smin to say they’re not gonna fix it no matter how much glaring info you lot given them so you can stop wasting your time… at least you lot wouldn’t be strung along


Yea, Snail wont openly say anything like that, it would be a pr disaster.

They learned their lesson from the last time they essentially told the community to screw off.

Honestly all they would need to do is reduce the Breach weakpoint to basically a vertical line above/below the gun in line with the Gun sight (for the 2E it could be the same but with a hole in the armour where the sight is kinda like how the T34/T29 US Superheavies have their Sights as a weakpoint) and the challengers would be much better already

While i know this is not accurate as i doubt those areas really “weaker” to the point they could be penned irl it would be the best option we can see ingame for balance as it would follow the general rule of top tier where Breach areas seem to be made weaker for all tanks (some more than others :p)

Which would still if it was say like this a pretty big vulnerability area
But would make you actually able to hull down lol

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