Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion

The Cr2 is all the time around 50% wr so there is no need for changes… Due to players skill but hey, it is what it is.

oh, I forgot Gaijin only looks at the big data and doesn’t look at the vehicle performance balance

Latest “Its Fixed” features this:
“On the topic of the Challenger 2. We’re aware that many of you are wondering about these series of tanks and where the dev blog is regarding them. These tanks have already received a number of fixes, and soon we’ll publish a dev blog dedicated to the Challenger 2 where we’ll talk about, in detail, some of your reports. Keep an eye out!”

Anyone else just get that intense pang of dread and defeat in their stomach reading this, knowing they’ll make absolutely insane claims ans ignore any good will from the players?


Nah. Im constantly backtracking in my mind, so i keep the expectations as low as possible.


Challenger 2 dev blog… We appreciate your feedback and bug reports towards these vehicles but… No.


Personally I’d like to see L26 become the stock round for the rank 8 Challies, but at rank 7 having a dart is an advantage so I don’t mind the stock round being L23A1 to offset that (plus it’s used by Oman so it’s not like the L30 gun never fires it)

[Development] Discussing reports related to the Challenger 2 MBT - News - War Thunder OH FUCK ITS HERE


and its a failiure, well that was to be expected, here comes a breakdown from me


So from what ive read ill summarise
No Changes to L27A1 unless we can provide greater information

No changes to TES/OES ERA/NERA protection values

a “Refinement to the CR2 damage model” image This includes the turret side armour aswell as mantlet

A change to the internal Damage model part of the above mentioned point which is mainly refering to positions of ammo.

Honestly overall this is a massive W, sure its not everything we had hoped for but we would be foolish to expect such things.

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The total protection including ERA, backplate and tank side provide STANAG 5 so its fine
Backplate becomes aluminium, WOHO less armour


No mention of the reports about the blocks being a combination of ERA and composite either

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The way we calculate is different from what UK did, so no change, unless more sources.

Turret armour

No data on the shells so no change in that regard, geomety of armour will be changed, we will se how it will go

Ammo location
So the report is about hull, but we will look at the turret?
@Legwolf @Flame2512 @Fireball_2020 here are reponses for your efforts


How disappointing they completely ignored the fact the blocks shouldn’t be modelled as one big ERA block.

I passed them some information about ready rack size, so hopefully that gets implemented.

So off-topic but I’ve been told the university of Cambridge received a lot of Vickers documentation after they stopped existing, so they might have information on the Vickers Mk.7 if anyone wants to look into it? Not sure if I’ll have the time…

Bae’s land division also has 2 reports on CLIP but they remain classified, sadly


What we all expected really.

The “protection may be reduced” is concerning.


This seems appropriate:



(if you have any more publicity available sources please send them) OHH OK I GUESS THE 30+ ALREADY SENT WASN’T ENOUGH TO CHANGE THE CLASSIFIED VEHICLE… PLEASE LET ME GO SOURCE MORE SEKRT DOCUMENTS XD gaijin wonders why people leak classified ***t yet when presented with cleat issues and information doesn’t act on it… A challenger 2 mantlet should not be being pen’d from a tiger 2s round, not just from a real life aspect but a gameplay balance aspect too, it’s simply stupid!


How the internal of the ERA part of the side armour look