Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion

It is. It always was.

It’s not a placeholder, they just genuinely don’t give a shit about the UK tech tree.
They turn our top tier SPAA into a tank destroyer because it has anti-tank in the name.
Our second best SPAA, the stormer, has been broken since it was added to the game, and sporadically has periods where it is 100% useless, like the last 4 months.
I’m fairly convinced they must be getting a kick out of trolling us at this point, consistently giving us worse stuff than everyone else. Lightning premium, F-4J(UK), CR2 OES are just recent examples. We can thank our lucky stars GJN has a crush on Sweden, otherwise the Gripen would be trash as well.

I can’t wait to see the next car crash dev blog on the CR2.

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Of course that is all that is getting changed, I’m personally amazed they haven’t announced that it’s armour is getting even weaker but maybe that will drop along with the copeblog.

I can’t wait to see the next car crash dev blog on the CR2.

Nothing will happen though, they will release their copeblog the same as they have done for the stinger and abrams just in the last month or two.
Everybody will complain about it.
They will ignore everybody.
Everybody will go back to playing anyway and they will have succeeded in giving everybody the finger once again.

Same every time.

The devblog is going to be, we assume the challengers are bad therefore they are, but at least we fixed the ammo in an mg so its all good.

If that will be true, then the talk i had with someone that it will be only fix will come true, the talk was long before the blog was a thing

yea well theres also the case of the cr2 manual no one can show because its illegal. theres also 2 blocks of composite on the leopard 2 that im pretty sure if they were artificially nerfed wouldnt be there.

i understand values on the leo may not be the same as reality but theres a differenfe between that and only having air as armour.

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if they are allready saying this with only 3 or 4 bug reports fixed i dont think were gona have good new.

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Tbh it seems gaijin want to fix the bare minimum enough to say they “fixed” the challengers bit not enough to where they directly changed the armour sadly…

they have done this before…

So 1 leopard game and ive not been killed, only dying by a J out so i can nuke… germany suffers more than GBR
(i had to crash into the bomb so it detonated before the game ended lol)


Arent those shematics in the manuals often not to scale?

Haha nice one gaijin no I expect most of the stuff wont be fixed because “no hard numbers excuse” 🤣💀


I had a pleasure to see that, and it had values over it. YEAH, not cool to show around

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i think those values were added by FEARNOUGHT in the original leak and are not in the manual, just the shematic

WELL, lets just skip that topic for now

true we dont want an anrgy MOD email XD

Well, s*it


I wonder why the L23A1 is still used instead of making the L26 armor-piercing round the default for CR2 tanks

That’s not too much to ask from a game balance standpoint
The CR2 does not have the armor protection of the 122/L2A7, nor the high mobility of the 99A/80BVM/Type10, and the proud 5-second loading is broken by Abrams, so it is not too much to ask that the default steel pin be changed

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