Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Shoot M1A2 in the mantlet with L27, hes sat about 200m infront of me.

Does nothing
no pen.

He takes my breech.


im done for the day

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The .50 cal vest was a separate vest to CBA/ECBA. I did have photos of it once upon a time, but don’t seem to be able to find it now. Was basically two large plate bags with straps between them - by all accounts the plates that went inside them were massive thick things.
It was only issued in Northern Ireland because of a very specific threat there, and we didn’t put tanks in NI - so it was likely never worn by tankies. When they say it wasn’t for foot patrols, that means it was equipping troops in Sangers.

Indeed, tankies were generally the troops lacking sufficient body armour as late as the 2003 Iraq war. Not having ECBA available directly contributed to the death of Sgt. Steven Roberts from 2RTR from friendly fire - the first British solider to die in the war. That incident is why in things like the Castlemartin report posted here, it says ECBA/Osprey/STV vests with plates are mandatory for tank crews to wear nowadays - it’s been the case for 20 years now.


They did bring some tanks over here. The AVRE to destroy some blockades. They never fired and just rammed with the doser. I think that was before the vests though.

I would think so, defending against a 50cal round alone is insane… even sceptical. Maybe he meant a penetrating 50cal shot.

Never mind just read what the other guy said. I wouldn’t expect the challenger crews to be wearing said things as they wouldn’t have to worry about 50cal rounds unless outside the tank.

I suppose it was for this fella


Sounds about right from my reading. Again, 32lb of weight is not very practical, even at OPs and Sentry points.

Yeah agreed. It’d make no sense, as opposed to using ECBA which is more aimed towards small arms and frags, which from a tanker’s point of view is the biggest threat you’re likely to face if you ever have to dismount.

I’ll go looking. If I could find a table of what each STANAG level provides protection-wise I can then bang that in the report too.
Expect an edit to this one

I can’t find my post about it on one of these threads where i posted both.

chally issues dovbleg when

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It’ll just be another shitpost like the abrams one was.

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I nearly replied to Stona’s one post on 13th Dec going to ask “hey look, I know you guys are probs on holiday… but when Chally 2 Devblog?”

I mean if we come at them with every single thing wrong with Chally 2, evidenced and well researched (like we’re trying to now) and then they say “nah nothing wrong with Chally” then it’ll not be a great reflection on them.

Of course, it’d be even worse if they promise a devblog and then don’t deliver the goods…


Something that could be added for the future, i read that the charge bins can hold multiple ammounts of charges, because the HESH charges are smaller so more fit into one tube in the bin while the apfsds charge bag is bigger and only one fit into one tube in the bin

If memory serves 2 HESH charges can be stowed where 1 APFSDS charge might be stowed.

Yeah but we know what gaijin are like.

I made a report about the F5E having too low of an engine temp, providing them with multiple sources from various bodies that tested the engine IRL, and reported on its temps.

NASA did an independent test of the GE J85 as did a university on Iran, and both produced temps higher than what we have in game.

It was closed as ‘not a bug’ because reasons.

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can but hope

besides, they are quite frankly out of their minds if they reject this many reports with decent sources.

next week at least

Very long shot, but does anyone have access to this?

It is included in a citation on ECBA but I have no idea what the actual contents are.