basically it, people see us get 4-6 kill games and tell us were doing fine. They then dont look at how we can get 10 kill games quite easily in other tanks at the same br, let alone with assists, caps, baits, bounces (still pissed they removed points on bounces, effectively nerfing all my heavy tanks even more).
The challengers are flat out bad, same with the arietes. Both of these tanks are fcked beyond belief at brs thy shouldnt be at (the ariete would actually be a good tank at 10.3/10.7, but gaijin NEED to fill the top tier line up for italy or they would get complaints, there solution is to ham fist a tank that cant perform at the wrong br).
I mean it’s the truth, WT’s gameplay loop heavily encourages an aggressive, proactive gameplay loop, why do you think LT’s with good enough guns are always claimed to be OP. They’re really not, but they work well due to being able to control engagements.
I enjoy and do well with them, but im not stupid to the fact theyre near the bottom of the pile of mbts for effeciency and competativity.
As Hussah, Iuque13 and ablative kitten all said, the tanks themselves are not bad and have a reactive playstyle, if your team is melting, or you break through too fast you are not in a position, most the time, to catch up to the team, or pull of game turning defenses bar occasionally.
Maybe we should try to give on of the challenger (maybe the TES) a 40 mm grenade launcher.
It could make up for the poor mobility not to mention that if the commander is killed (unlike on the A
BMT 60) the loader can still fire the weapon.
Also this could be a new camo for the challenger 2.
I am more interested to increase the soft factors on this tank then the hard factors (I am not going to do the armor research cause that’s a dead end).
I think the 40mm was rejected as it was never mounted on the RCWS on CR2, I think I suggested adding the .50 to the TES ages ago but ofc they slapped it on the OES instead
Can someone more educated in the process of submitting suggestions run me through the official rules and the unofficial rules of how the whole process works.
Damm that’s rough. isn’t it rather “never officially mounted”. The wording above states that the ladder (7.62 mm) was mounted rather the former 50 cal and 40 mm. In this statement it never specifies that the grenade launcher was mounted nor wasn’t mounted.
(I understand that the 7.62 was the main one to be used)
Then it follows up with the RWS was being one of the main features of the street fighter upgrade.
Its also weird to mention the grenade launcher twice and saying that it can be mounted and hinting at that it was mounted, then turn around and say it wasn’t mounted.
(I am not trying to argue rather learn and understand)