Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)


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Chally wet dream
HAAIP in action

will probably be short lived icl, i’d probably sleep better at night with it being 1217hp, 62.5 tonnes, and having improved traverse(and of course spall liner).

Yea, but as we know with who are we dealing it, you will get 1217, 66t and no spall liner. traverse is a myth.


icl i kinda need some unlucky person to email Curtiss wright and ask about the traverse speed of their max mass gear. (i cba xD).

Whover does it will get the. Uhhhh, no. Not tellin

Yeah… I’m debating whether to put any CR3 stuff on there, but this is a long list of posts to go through and update it. Sounds more like a job to do on my day off on Sunday

Well well, spall liner, no no no, noise damper


thats for cr1 and chieftain, which tbh it could well be true and i dont really have the time to dig any further into

cr2, warrior and i guess cr3 td have that possibility still very much open

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There is a fair lot of cr2 stuff milling around too

At least these 2 will have a quiet time drinking tea

Yep, I added the spall liner already, but not kept up with it after that. Shall sift through all the posts later and update it


Have fun, and remember. The list just keeps getting longer.

Of course. Until either US or USSR gets the CR2, they won’t fix any of the bug reports. But it’s always good to prove people wrong about the Challenger being a bad tank irl and therefore that is why it’s bad in game

Guys, In this book: Challenger Main Battle Tank 1982–97 (New Vanguard): Dunstan, Simon, Sarson, Peter: 9781855324855: Books
I found interesting information about armor values of challenger 1 and M1A1 Abrams and can this information be considered as a valid source for Gaijin? Also, here author also mentions his “sources” so maybe those sources might be trackable as well.


Ok, where did i put the srl


Sorry for redirecting you, again

I don’t think that info regarding the challenger 1 isn’t at least indirectly connected to the challenger 2 :D. at least later tanks must be better than previous. Also, challenger 1 discussion is dead as I can see