Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

its fits into the orange part


The white part is empty?

No, fins are there. The white part goes into a hole in the charge

No idea, it will get launched out the barrel and break up on contact with the ground like the petals do.

the fins are not there, L29 doesnt even have fins

Like this?

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Oh yea, im talking about the normal one

Random render to show the point, no value, it does not represent real life L27A1, i hope so at least

No, L29A1 is the training round, the fins dont reach down there, so the white part is hollow for this round, most likely




Ohh is that a STL/CAD file, link if so. I’d like to 3D print that.

Massive game of darts…

Lanz Odermatt formula be like… yeah uhhh nope I disagree with your numbers

Surely the daft bit would be, is if there’s a primary source doc with that penetration value, surely they could backfill the numbers, and extrapolate for different results of penetration at different distances?


No, it just a PLASTIC Replica. Also it only have 500mm long

someone call the ukrainians and ask for a measuring tape photo :v

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Ask in enough wt matches and you’ll probably find a guy who could.

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lol yea it could prolly work

What is the loading speed of the leopard after 16 rounds?

yall could prob find better results with l28a1/l28a2, people say it was a carbon copy made of tungsten, but the dart itself was longer than L27a1 and more refined, even the MoD was talking bout procuring it in 2008 or smt.

If CR2 have 6s reloading after first 4 will be perfect
Also Challenger 2 First Stage Ammunition reload too slow