Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Team Tetleys

Team Bell’s !!

why does gaijin let certain vehicles just be worse than others over all, then nerf them
The TES was already pretty trash right? then they nerfed the ERA even though it’s apparently a very simple thing to prove otherwise?

Cant say, not british and i dont drink tea usually.
Team Hydrohydroxic acid (Dihydrogen monoxide(

dihydrogen myles macfadyen monoxide

substance that, well see for yourself


Yeah it’s hilarious. But people will still insist there is no russian bias.

What the hell is this map, why block half of it off :(

Map design. yea hate that too

Team IrnBru 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


The M22 is gonna take them all down

I can get behind that

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Ok gentlemans Pepsi or Coke?

mix them both.

both are good

both, at the same time… American style

I did not expected 3 boths… Nice!

I love how now the reports for TES have been accepted, everyone’s just having watercooler talk hahaha


on a serious note however, they are still both good, coke is sweeter and has a smoother flavor profile, but Pepsi is also good as it has a more defined flavour

Nah, we are just resetting before inevetable denial

we must find a new bug to deal with

Coke Zero is the best Coke