Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

But that would mean, that side blocks are too big

my very simple drawing shows what I mean, the rollers being further and the skirts are comparable

Ye, now im dealing with all that is a effect of that realisation

It seems the blocks are fine and Cr2 sits too high

@Fireball_2020 do you know anything about Cr2 being able to lift itself up to what we have in game?

just a general question whilst I remember it, but does anybody know why one side of the blocks on the turret are smaller than the other side?

Wikipedia seems to say
Question is, does it lift?
Wow, Cr2 is even in the hydropneumatic site

Ah yes, Cr2 uses HYDRO GAS suspension, im kind of stupid for not connecting the dots

So does it lift or no?

Nope, probably someone fu**** up the dimesions, so they decided to say it was intentional and kept it like that

APU when?

when other tanks get them an update before us, Britain cannot have any advantage

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is there a reason why in this game when the tank starts to climb a hill instead of rpms going up to push the engine they go down?

shouldnt rpms go up with increasing acceleration?

I have never checked that, but irl it has to do with engine not being able to pull the mass on set gear and losing rpm

(ignote this)
Also fun fact
The game changes gears befor you reach 2300 rpm so you naver go at full power ;)
as 2300 is the max RPM for the engine?
So engines in this game have a top possible rpm in a place where they have the most hp, so they never reach it?

What kind of Bull**** is this?
Unless im overthinking again
No wait, everything here is fine, i confused torque with hp.
Im going to stop thinking for a while to reset my brain.

I think its been an issue for a long time that tanks simply cant climb hills they should be able to, yet they wont fix it as part of the tracks modifications let you up hills 1 degree steeper, so its not a bug, its a feature

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yes but they also lose rpms when turning, or doing anything that requires more engine power.

i mean in my car if i press on the gas the rpms go up, if the car starts to climb and rpms go down the car chokes and stalls.

It is a leftover from the times where there were no invisible walls and other ways to prevent climbing. They added these tings but decided track does not need traction

The hydrogas suspension on CR2 heats up after a bit of use, causing the nitrogen gas inside the suspension units to expand. The driver’s track tension drill is as follows;

  1. Perform track tension on both tracks prior to movement.
  2. After 15 minutes cross country driving, or 30 minutes road driving, perform track tension again to account for the rise in the suspension units.

CR2 hydrogas units are not incrementally adjustable, it is either low (cold) or high (hot). The only controls the driver has are the hydraulic controls for the track tensioning system.

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Well, it still leave me with the question, is it able to lift to the point we have in game or no?

Here’s some good pictures where I’d say the suspension is cold;

and hot;

In the second picture you can see the tank is standing taller, look the bottom edge of the bazooka plate in relation to the top of the roadwheels. I’m not ingame atm but that would be a good point-to-point measurement.