Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Its the ride height because of the hydro gas. Those tech demonstrators are probably cold and they sit lower than if they the hydrogas is warm.

Edit:Gaijin probably modeled them at warm ride height. Which is correct.

Challenger 1 mk3 for example the top of the center hub of the roadwheel should be flush with the bottom of the nera side skirting.

Im not saying it couldnt be corrected, but this needs to be taken into account

Yea, i already got that sorted out thanks to the people here, that is why i added resolved at the top

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Trophy HV system specifications:
Weight: 820 kg
Size: 0.69 cubic meters
Cost: More than one million dollars
Reload time: 1.75 seconds
Ability to reload the counter: 3 times
Probability of success against anti-tank missiles: 95%
Radar working band: F/G
Might be because it offers protection for a longer period of time, 3 shots per launcher over 2? Also you could argue it offers a smaller silhouette.

Yea, but Iron Fist can mount Soft-Kill, so that would even out in some situations, but probably 3 in all is a little safer.

Well, it depends. After all the BN was also not made in a concrete configuration, simmilar to the 2021 Cr3, just a demo, but made a little better

the main reason is probably cost, but perhaps also because trophy has been combat tested and proven to be effective?

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That also might be the factor. I dont think Iron Fist was combat proven, but tested for sure.

One thing that always sells these systems to military’s is the fact they’ve been combat tested, the trophy system was boasting over 2000 combat hours logged along with defending against real attacks. Not to say iron fist hasn’t but ypu can definitely see the appeal. Every configuration I’ve see of iron fist is its mounted on the roof. If they could incorporate a system that could reload it it’d be a better option imo.

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yeah what he said

I know it’s a bad example (really bad tbh) but i see in battlefield 2042 there was a system that would rotate 180° and was automatically reloaded from the turret roof and was back in action seconds later. If they could have something like that which could hold 4 charge it would be a much more appealing system 110%

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the driver cannot put it in 1st gear, 1st gear is also an unused gear on CR2. There is also no clutch so nothing to burn. In game the gearbox doesnt change down soon enoough below 1700rpm

you mean in game or in real life? tanks do have transmitions like cars right?

in real life

so in real life when the driver needs more power what does he do?

he puts his foot down and the gearbox does the rest of the work.

ok so when he puts his foot down does the rpms increase or decrease?

it will try to accelerate, if there is too much load(climbing), then it may decrease or stay constant. In second gear or below things work slightly differently.

I wonder if they are ever going to model the soft kill of iron fist or the protective ability of the table of the Dorchester 2F+.

Is it not a continuously variable gearbox. Meaning it would always be in the peak rpm range for power at those speeds and loads.

no lmao, its just an automatic

is the soft kill even on the BN’s APS?