At 618 MPa we still have to obey the laws of phyics lad…
Ik, but i do not expect it to be something huge. 1720m/s at best
Youve got hole in your left cheek
:( Speed! Power!
Dear Liza, Dear Liza
The L11 muzzle velocity tops out at 1,535 m/s in game.
should be 1547 for L23A1, cant remember if we got a value for L26 but i’d expect it to be around 1500m/s
Those numbers are for the L11 gun right?
Now for how i found the armour hole XD
I came across these challenger 2 turret shot from underneath, it seem like the base of the armour block its about a 2 inch steel plate angled at 45, the Nera pack is built above it. the steel plate seems to be flush with the bottom of the armour plates. tho i could be wrong
I’ve noticed the chally 2f without the armour mod uses the short mudguards in game instead of the glorious extended ones, literally unplayable
yer pissin on me grave
I think it might be worth pushing for a reload speed buff for the Challenger 3 after the Abrams reload buff, from 6 to 5 seconds.
Gaijin has now made it reasonable for a tank with blowout ammunition storage, single piece ammo and a 120mm gun to have a 5 second reload after the Abrams buff.
It makes little sense for the Challenger 3 to be a downgrade in terms of reload speed compared to every other Challenger in the game, gameplay wise at least.
I’m sorry but this is quite frankly getting ridiculous.
(Rant incoming, there will be a TL:DR at the bottom, I promise, and no, I will not touch on the nightmare that is Naval)
I suspect i’m not the only one running short of tether for Gaijin’s blantant stupidity at this point. They know full well we are providing them with the best we’ve got, clearly the implementation in game is wrong, and instead of us going to them with umpteenth document that says “Chieftain/Challenger 1/Challenger 2/Stormer (hell even the Warrior, they managed to bugger up the rate of fire somehow) is underperforming” they should do a bit of research of their own, get some primary documents that are as good as the ones we’re presenting them and use those.
At the minute, the TES may as well just be ignored (ah yes, of course British Engineers are gonna slap a 5 tonne armour pack on that does nothing to HEAT, or low calibre APFSDS, especially when the designers literally state that it can defeat said APFSDS as part of their specifications).
They won’t give us spall liners (because funny old thing ours aren’t immediately exposed, they were built into our tanks, not as an afterthought), they won’t give us reasonable armour (to quote a Chally 2 commander, the reason Challenger 2s have run around irl with no extra armour packs until recently is because they’ve not needed to desperately increase their protection, unlike some T-series tank that goes pop fizz bang the moment some dart is sent downrange) and they won’t give us a reasonable gun (the reason we didn’t upgrade our gun to smoothbore until now is a) HESH was good enough to do the job and b) why switch? the gun worked perfectly fine against current threats. there was simply no need to, even though a 120mm Smoothbore and 130mm gun were trial fitted)
In summary, Gaijin needs to get a grip and use their brains. We are providing them with all the documents we can without breaking the law and putting our service personnel at risk. They have some pretty good sources at their disposal, and I’m sure the Tank Museum, if they asked, would be more than happy to help them in endeavouring to model the Challenger 2 well.
Most of us are sick and tired of posting in bug report after bug report with General Staff Office papers, Staff Requirements, specifications, pictures of the tanks where we can, etc etc, all to get them denied because Devs didn’t think it was suitable.
With all due respect, when reports like those on the Gripen which are graphs with spuriously drawn lines on as “proof” and documents stating performance that then redact half the performance statistics in the next 3 pages, it is becoming seriously difficult to believe Gaijin is fair, transparent, and unbiased in any way. Hell, a decent amount of CCs believe Gaijin is biased against Brits. I get they’re people but they know stuff the majority of us don’t, but it’s becoming blatantly daft by now. It is indicative of a terrible attitude on how to handle the British tech tree, half arsed and badly researched vehicles shoved in without any real feel of what is actually wanted. We still have no Phimat pod, which would be of debatable use yes but the point still stands, we have a half finished Tornado GR.1, no HUD symbology for the F.3, still no MAW on the GR.7… for some reason, we until finally kicking off enough had a terrible mobility model for the Challenger 2, still incorrectly named Chieftains (come on??? That isn’t that much of a Job. Some of those Chiefs should maybe even have LRF. I’m talking the Mk.3 and 5 here.), the Stormer is a buggy mess and fundamentally useless vehicle, Starstreak is apparently more effective in the anti tank role than anti air, we still have no CVR(T)s despite a promise to add more British light tanks (in that time we’ve had the VFM5 and the Vickers Mk.11…?) over two years ago… still no suggestion of Abbot or AS90 anytime soon despite there being a written commitment from Stona in the Kings of Battle Q&A to begin adding domestic Artillery pieces, still no AA to fit any of the gaps between 8.3 and 10.3, all sorts of issues with the homegrown British missiles (i’m looking at horribly underranged SRAAM and a botched over draggy Red Top right now), APDS which randomly shatters some shots and then decides spalling isn’t something it can do on others, HESH that is less reliable than your odds on the lottery.
(TL:DR: Biased/unreasonable dev decisions? incomplete tech tree with major vehicles missing (CVR(T)s mainly here), tech tree with daft decision making, so no Chief Mk.11, or Chiefs with no LRF and nothing later than L15A3, scathing criticism of failure to fix missile systems in the UK Tree in both Ground and air, double standards for documentation requirements when bug reporting possibly? Unreasonable docs requirements?)
Overall, I’m really unhappy with the state of the British Tech Tree and do feel it has the potential to do well. It is the consistent letdown that puts me, and probably others, off continuing to play Britain at all. CCs will actively dissuade new and old players alike from grinding Britain because it is such a buggy horrendous mess, and I for one don’t blame them. I could not and would not recommend playing Britain for any length of time in its current state.
And now I can breathe again.
If only I’d written essays as good at this in my english exam.
I see too many times people posting things like “I wanted to play Britian, but I just couldnt put up with X or with how they have modeled Y. So I gave up and now I play a different nation.” Its such a shame
Its one thing, like with the recent top tier air issues, where Britain’s option are limited and we didnt get a 12+ till the last update (a year behind most other nations) . But that doesnt mean they can just forget about the tree entirely (Plenty of very very interesting lower tier aircraft never added), or why what we do have is so poorly made. I truly enjoy, Maybe actually love playing the Tornado Gr1 (i’ve had more fun in the past 2 days farming the event in the Gr1 than I think I have learning to fly the Gripen. The Gripen is a great aircraft and good fun, but i think I still prefer a mud mover like the Gr1). But its such a painful experience because of just how much potential it could have, if they even tried to finish it.
What else is it supposed to be?? Structural steel? Glass? Wood? It’s supposed to protect against ammunition, not thrown rocks…
This situation is like Ariete WAR kit pt.2
They probably think its made out of tea