Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Quick question : Is L28A1 significantly better than L27A1?

Short answer: no
It’s made from tungston with ruthly the same dimensions of L27A1 which means it has likely less pen

Might report the backing plate, it’s 40mm RHa like the side block below. Have no proof it’s RHa but equally why are we making an armour plate that thin out of presumably rubber?

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Long answer still no

Basically, L27A1 is Depleted uranium, L28A1 is Tungsten Alloy.

In certain situations it might be better, but I think generally DU is the better round.

Poo. Was just wondering what could be done to help out the ch2’s firepower.

L28 would be better if the CR2 fiered at higher velocities, simmilar to Abrams or Leo. Sadly we do not know the velo of L30A1

The issue is that they model all shells using the same equation. Which means certain shells perform better and others perform worse.

Within the framework of the game, the calculation of armor penetration for solid-body OBPS is carried out exclusively using the Lanz-Odermart formula. If you think that penetration is not correct, you must provide information about the size of the striking part and/or the speed of the projectile.

In addition, armor penetration assessments in different countries were based on different methods. In the case of British OBPS, sources usually give the dimensions of the target at very large angles, often more than 70 degrees.
And within the framework of the game at 2 km at an angle of 70 degrees, the size of the affected armor plate is more than 650 mm, which is not much different from the estimate from this source

From this report

Additionally, key mechanics like ERA perforation arent modeled. This results in the L27A1, which should be far more effective against tanks like the BVM, rather lacking.

They should just add a small pen buff to compensate for this lack of ERA perforation, but another option would be to improve its fire rate.

Well I’ve not seen anything to suggest it’s any better than the 1,650 m/s we currently have.

Yea, but that is still Classed as hell, and 1650 is a speed of L11a5, so putting it does not rise any suspicion. If the MoD is hiding velo increase, or if it is the same, we will not know untill all Cr2 are out of the service

At 618 MPa we still have to obey the laws of phyics lad…

Ik, but i do not expect it to be something huge. 1720m/s at best

guys why can i see day light through my chally 2E’s turret ??

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Youve got hole in your left cheek



:( Speed! Power!

Dear Liza, Dear Liza

The L11 muzzle velocity tops out at 1,535 m/s in game.

should be 1547 for L23A1, cant remember if we got a value for L26 but i’d expect it to be around 1500m/s

Those numbers are for the L11 gun right?