It’s blindingly obvious
Why else do you think we got a T-90 instead of bug fixes for the CR1
Poe’s law
Is it though, over a text one may assume it can go either direction, usually when implying sarcasm can use this (!) symbole, but yeah I did think it was sarcasm xD
Cause its easier to copy and paste something than make an actual improvement.
All it is, is a stripped down T90
Amusingly its a unique model, as it features the domestically developed mine plough not adopted by the Russian’s.
Whats happening with the SRAAM overhaul?
SRAAM overhaul? Increased range?
Flame has 2 year old reports for them. Should have double the current range. Also should have all-aspect though for balancing reasons it shouldn’t get that. I have a 9 month ISH old report for them not working within 400m as they just bug out.
the plough and the missing IRCM but that is it.
Then pop its such a gimped missile rn man and could be potentially brilliant
Yeah, they would be, which is why the Harrier GR1 and Hunter F6 are so frustrating. They are some of the weakest aircraft at 9.7 currently but only because of bugs
Another question, is gaijin aware of the like multiple-hundred-kilogram ERA blocks chain-detonating? This doesn’t seem right. This is 3BK18M by the way. pretty safely stopped by one block. a tandem ATGM like khrizantema will detonate 3-4 blocks at once.
Seems even weirder that the MoD would go from the 2F NERA blocks (or the NERA blocks present on the turret) which can tank 5 HEAT rounds in a row and provide the exact same protection, to that?
Is it certain that in reality that armor is ERA and not NERA?
iirc there’s a report in that showed it was some sort of passive/active ERA/NERA hybrid, but gaijin denied it on the basis that it can’t be definitively proven…
its a sandwich of multiple layers of nera or era (i cant quite remember) and rha or some other solid material that effectively make it multiple layers of composite that sum up to paper according to gaijin… i will now go for my next 3 month brake to see if gaijin grow a brain, take care.
This damn stupid hole is ridiculous, jesus christ
Finally, the 3TD lost its LWR (no sensors were installed on it)
It’s funny how much this MBT has been lost during its existence in the game.
Well, at the moment, the strongest UP for Challenger 2 is the change of the mechanics of the IFLK APS to BN in early autumn.
Where the deflection with the penetration debuff for kinetics was replaced with its complete destruction without contact of the remnants with the armor. I asked the developers about this edit - this is not a bug, but a conscious decision.
Imagine wasting time and resource to remove systems from an already cooked tank.
It has been known about the absence of LWR on this particular tank for a long time. Apparently, the snail decided not to take back the mechanics after a long time after removing the engine at 1500 h /p
And they do it, as far as I understand, without a patchnout or any mention…