Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah a few chieftain, challanger and even cr2 reports are over a year old (some.older same as a lot of the french reports)

Its a shambles tbh how slow tbeyre working on bug reports.

Genuinely wonder what theyre working on at all. The three newest sub trees are nust straight copy and paste bar maybe one or two vehicles.hence why i stepped back from the game right now.


Well they’re certainly not working on the stuff the game actually needs. Two off the top of my head :

  • Outstanding bug fixes (some very critical)
  • Addressing balance and the matchmaker. Seriously, any game design that lets an unstabilised heat slinger face fully stabilised, dart throwing, laser range finder using, composite sporting enemy is, quite frankly, just brokena and incredibly stupid. I’d go as far as to say it’s one of the worst balaced games I’ve ever played.

It seems pretty clear to me, that the major thing this game needs is for the matcmaker to be re-worked to make it, you know, actually fair and fun to play. I know the game is designed to frustrate people to get them to pay but jesus christ, not like this.

So yeah, I dunno what they’re doing but they’re doing the wrong things whatever is it they’re doing.


Got to admit after nearly 3000 hous on the game, seeing them dropping new, unique, special equipment to different nations, to what its at now, is pretty apalling.
We still encounter bugs from years ago that have not been adressed, still have the same game modes for ground, and air respectively, which are severely out dated.

The games been around for over a decade and there are still horrendous amounts of inbalance within the BRs. as you say yourself.

I would like to disagree and say its not frustrating at all, but look at it, the challanger 2s for example are left leagues behind even the basic top tiers for other nations, M1A2, leopard 2A5, T80U/ T72B3, ZTZ99As all are better than the challanger 2s, the list of bug reports for stuff is astounding.

And its even more shocking how a lot folks are giving up on actually making the reports due to gaijin now not actively fixing (shutting them down , Challanger 2 reports / road map were a prime example of this).

The levitating dust covers behind the mantle seems to have been fixed on dev server.
Still no splash-screen on the base CR2 and no meteo sensors though.


now look at how much of the mantled is unprotected
they “fixed” it by moving everything up which now leaves half of the breach unprotected

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Can you post a pic?

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oh ffs


No need to look far for a proof how wrong is it.

It’s bottom edge should be in line with cheeks bottom edge


I already bug reported this, other people have as well. It’s like only one issue can be processed at a time.


Is there a Chieftain Discussion?

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I think we just talk about chieftain here nowadays.

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In that case I came across the Leyland Torque archive publishing’s and have accurate Mks of all the L60 series engines. In short the Mk.10 should have 80 more BHP from 760 to 840.


If you guys would be so kind as to have a read over on the Bug report I made that would be nice.
All Chieftains have the wrong engines Mk3/5/10 // // Issues


Im just going to pass this to a Techmod seeing as Gaijin wont reply.

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If there isnt, it would be best to make a dedicated thread for them


There is

It’s not that active anymore


Still folks commenting on it to this day.

But yeah what they’ve done to the cr2 is not just absolutely ludicrous its bloody offensive.

They just do whatever they want with it and sod anyone who cares about it.

It would be easier to make a list of what is modelled right than wrong due to so much being wrong with it.

Dont worry we will get a balancing patch with a leo2 soon

It has the correct weight… I cant think of anything else modeled correctly.


It might be for balance reasons. The BRENUS would be really awkward at 9.0 without a stabilizer, and it wouldn’t be able to stay 8.7 because it’s already really strong there.