Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 2)

I think we just talk about chieftain here nowadays.

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In that case I came across the Leyland Torque archive publishing’s and have accurate Mks of all the L60 series engines. In short the Mk.10 should have 80 more BHP from 760 to 840.


If you guys would be so kind as to have a read over on the Bug report I made that would be nice.
All Chieftains have the wrong engines Mk3/5/10 // // Issues


Im just going to pass this to a Techmod seeing as Gaijin wont reply.

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If there isnt, it would be best to make a dedicated thread for them


There is

It’s not that active anymore


Still folks commenting on it to this day.

But yeah what they’ve done to the cr2 is not just absolutely ludicrous its bloody offensive.

They just do whatever they want with it and sod anyone who cares about it.

It would be easier to make a list of what is modelled right than wrong due to so much being wrong with it.

Dont worry we will get a balancing patch with a leo2 soon

It has the correct weight… I cant think of anything else modeled correctly.


It might be for balance reasons. The BRENUS would be really awkward at 9.0 without a stabilizer, and it wouldn’t be able to stay 8.7 because it’s already really strong there.

Dipped briefly into a game in the CR2 and they are still just terrible…Was killed by a French 2A4NL using DM-23 Through that massive gaping gab where the front mantlet and hull should meet!.. While T-90M and 2A7 just absorb L27A1

I would rather Gaijin stopped work on them and moved onto something else I don’t want a CR3 (Final) if it is going to be the same crap we have now


I’ve been bug reporting the Challenger 2 and Stormer HVM for years man… I’m so tired… And nothing ever changes… My most recent report was on the Stormer HVM, once again having its missiles phase through aircraft, especially scout drones making them impossible to shoot down, I even included a video of this.

Then another bug which they haven’t responded to for challenger 2, the crusader skin is misaligned meaning that the textures on the side do not line up. to fix this you used to have to rotate the skin, but in recent updates they have locked being able to do that so you are stuck with black panels on the side composite.

I honestly don’t know what else to do, when each change they make is like they arn’t co-ordinating with anyone who knows anything about these vehicles and they make changes based on what they THINK they should be rather than what they SHOULD be. Raising the entire breach was a big brain move for an easy and quick fix to the dust cover floating, but a low IQ move for literally anything else.


It is unequivocally the worst tank in the game at top tier. It’s not even close


Becuase they literally do not care mate

It isnt USA, Germany OR USSR so not enough people kick up fuss, christ look at the road map for the cr2 then look at what they actually fixed and what they just wrote off.

Waste of time

Yeah i unlocked the cr3 td and have had to take a break man, genuinely thr leopard 2a5 and m1a2 are better than every challanger 2, i love them and wish theyd get the fixes they deserve but i guess not.

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Thank you and yes whenever they see it that is.

this new update, the fact theyve left the gaping weak point on the challanger, dropped so many new copy paste things, whilst leaving the Hunter F6 at 9.7 for britain and not answering any of the bug reports made shows how little gaijin cares now.


and still no lower front plate spall liner for the CR2


The armour is the least of the CR2 problems the fire power and the 4 round ready rack kills the tank


the armour which IRL is its main damn feature is pretty much non existent in teh game mate xD
The round unfortunately is a biproduct of the damn rifled barrel
the ready rack im sure was proven to be more than 4 rounds but could be wrong.

They literally have arbitrarily nerfed the CR2 AGAIN by moving the damn breach model up creating a massive gap which u can fire straight into the turret ring from xD