Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

It’s got some serious torque to pull that off.

All things i doubt they will give us


That was a test of the 1500 upgrade to TN54 to see if it will break under high stress (but with 1217 enigine) it passed the tests. Sadly 1500 is still on the way. Transmission is the same old TN54.


In my opinion the mantlet is by far the biggest bug that needs to be fixed with the Challenger.

If that was fixed I would be happy with the tanks state ingame. I’m not sure if there anything (legal :) ) that I can do to help that though.


That and the missing roof armour making it basically have the exact same weak spot as the churchills. Anyone can shoot at the commander or just above the breach to create a ball of spall that goes directly down into the crew compartment. You would think the spall liners would help but it’s still creating a metric shit ton of spall.

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After spending yesterday trying to spade out the TES, this is what I want fixed :

  • The sodding breech. Getting the breech disabled sometimes is fine, but not like this. Total crew knockout through the breech isn’t uncommon, or if your crew survive the breech dies if it’s even looked at funny.

  • The low speed mobility. The juddering and low speed mobility is infuriating. It just judders around and I’ve been effectively stuck on the spot a few times.

If those are fixed, the ch2 would be much better. There are tonnes of other issues of course, but they’re the main ones which stood out to me yesterday.


Also the turret roof weak spot where you just easily kill gunner and commander in one shot when shooting the place where the gunners secondary optic(not togs) sits

It’s a latency thing, the client is “estimating” what’s going on until it gets the correct information from the server, so you can imagine it as what you see being a slight delay of what’s actually happening. You fire in your client, the client tells the server, but the server already has the information that your breech has been shot out so it “cancels” your round. The higher your ping is the worse/more often it happens

It’s now just a waiting game. Hopefully they fix the mantlet and ufp/lfp everything else will only bring marginal gain.


playing hull down is the worst way to play the challys, not only is it boring, but since the breech is so large and since the ammo is the worst in the game, it’s better to just brawl and pray because while they don’t need to aim to kill you, at least you can aim and kill them. Plus with like the 2E if you wiggle a bit, since you have a tank that actually fits into the meta you can make people not insta destroy you.


Why would brawling make them any better when they have absolutely horrible hull armour, very little in the way of hull spall liner, horrible charge layout all over the hull so when you get penned you are more likely than not going to get ammo racked and you also have terrible mobility compared to everyone on top of that.

They are not good brawling tanks.

Because again, if you have better aim and good awareness then you can get kills. You’re not going to pen the T-80s from the hull, you have to snipe the LFP and pray you don’t get gaijined by the fuel tank or the ammo not detonating.
If you have good awareness with the 2E you can get the drop on people, and if people see you and you wiggle a bit, most of these German/Soviet players aren’t that good, they’re not aiming too well because they’ve never had to, so while you can get killed exceptionally easily, a lot of people can simply struggle to immediately destroy you despite how easy it is.
Plus for the first 4 shots you get the quick reload, so if you take out someone’s barrel/breech (which on a lot of tanks you should be trying for because you have very few places you can pen) you can then use the time to destroy them.
They are indeed not good brawling tanks because yes they have atrocious speed and movement and no armor, but it’s the best way to play them because the tanks aren’t made for going hull down in the meta where they have the worst possible rounds for sniping and are up against tanks with actual modeled armor.

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You didn’t give a single reason there why the challenger 2 is better brawling than hull down though.
And they aren’t, they are better played hull down and everybody knows this because the hull is made of wet tissue paper and has charges lying all around in it. Also your other weakspots just don’t suddenly disappear because you are in close quarters.
No, they are not better played brawling.

I literally did, you get killed just as easily sniping as you do hull down because the breech is massive and because you can still get killed through the roof on top of that. You also can barely look over hills to shoot without exposing your hull anyway lmfao.
The L27 is the worst round in top tier pen wise, which only gets worse with distance, and again considering other tanks have better armor, higher speed, it’s exceptionally easy for them to counter you. So it’s either sit behind hills you can struggle to shoot out of and struggle to kill, or get up close and personal and even though you’re also at a severe disadvantage still survivability wise, you’re able to actually use your own skill to aim and beat other tanks.

edit: british "stabilizer" - Clipped with I mean lmao

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You literally didn’t.
You do not “just as easily get killed” because you are exposing considerably less of your weakspots and only popping up to fire then retreating into cover.
The massive breech weakspot applies at any range so it’s a moot point, in fact it will be even easier to hit at close range.
The L27 is still sufficient to pen mantlets and turret rings of anything and you have a LRF as well as eyeballing it.
You haven’t given one reason why brawling would be better, because it isn’t it only has greater disadvantages.

Even I can attest that sniping is the much better tactic. If your hulll down it increases the angle of your roof finally making it not a weak spot. And it covers your lower hull that is full of ammo. You may lose half your crew in one penetrating hit but that’s better than a one shot. Plus in cqb all the Russians have to do is stay fast to survive as fuck aiming for Their bull when l27 can barely create enough spall as it is.

Also it increases the angle of incidence against your UFP so actually makes it difficult to pen. If someone hits your massive breech weakspot you at least have the ability to retreat into cover and repair whereas that’s simply a death sentence in close quarters.
But the biggest factor is the hull ammo stowage, nearly every single time I get penned in the hull I turret pop and I bring fairly low ammo loads but the positioning of it is absolutely garbage and very spread out so there is a high chance on penetrating the hull you will get ammo racked.

I am back on my PC. 2 Cr2 report incoming :D


I have the most success brawling on the Challenger 2, the crew sits high in the turret so hull shots are less likely to kill everyone, unlike the Abrams for example. Of course the issue is the ammo but you’re gambling there and there are ways to position your tank to reduce the chances of ammo getting hit. Also 5 sec reload you can shoot faster and out reload most tanks.

I mean it’s not great but it’s surprisingly ok at brawling.

Alr lets collect all the internal photo’s of chally 2’s driver and crew compartments