Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Wth, i was just searching and this didnt come up

Yeah WT live is kinda funky sometimes


Needs to be available for GE I’d buy it in a heartbeat if it appears in game

this has happened before, i still remember when smin hasked me to compile a list of bugs of the cr2, when the dev server came not even 1 was actioned on. after calling to his attention they acted on like 2 or 3 minor updates.

and on this update, right before the hollidays, they will fix some stuff and then stop everything becouse, and i quote like last time, “poor devs need a break”.

so my advice is dont get to mad over this, heres plenty of games to play.


@Gunjob, is this something i have to make a bug report for or is there a separate thing for purely visual model changes?

You can report it as a suggestion sure.

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@Gunjob you hate me that much? 😭
Or Cr2/3 reports are a no go for now, due to devs looking at them?

Give me a chance haha, you have any idea how much I get @'d these days haha.


Well, i dont, but i can imagine, due to major dropping and all the bugs popping out of the blue haha.

well here is another one from me :)


Oo camo nets! Take my whetever do i call the i have the same issue for short

Full Barracuda for the OES )))))

I’ve died 3 times today to a one shot breach shot and I’ve only played 2 games.


Well, that is the oposite of me. I grinded Cr3 over the span of 2 day, and i died mostly to CAS

That’s been my experience too. Basically a garenteed one shot

Might be a bit of a dumb one but why does the Cr2 not have hull side or lower plate spall liners? Is there a source which says its absent from there or did Gaijin just decide that it was only on the turret?

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It’s extremely hard to got clear photos in the challenger 2 turret as its genuinely not allowed. They’ are still in service so it’s not likely to get anything concrete in terms of its actually protection or layout. The crews are required to wear kevlar vests at all times during any live firing. So potentially it might not have them in the hull as the crew is technically already protected from spall in all vital areas.

Their source is, and I quote - " trust me bro"


Their source is they made it up.

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We do not know if they use them, and Cr2 crew wear kevlar vests, so maybe it lack it due to that. We do not know