Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Have you tried the G-Lynx lol, weirdly enough it’s competitive for top tier. You get superb maneuverability and the best rwr (AN/APR-39). It’s less vulnerable compared to Apaches although Apaches have more teeth.

Oh you’re talking about anti cas, nvm. Cas has been absurdly strong for the last few updates. AH Mk1 is still my go to anti cas vehicle. Does pretty well, much less vulnerable than SAMs

Yea, but im bored of AH(also starstreak go brrrt), and now using the Tornados and Gr7 gives RP to Gripen

The PGM-2000 are weird though, their max range is render distance but can only track <8km. The best strategy is to go to render distance launch one at the pansir who is too busy thinking why the sky is blue and then go in for your main bombing run. It’s very fun especially when most of your teammates can’t count up to their IQ. coughPansir playerscough

That is the problem, im encoutering the smarter half of pantsirs. They go in IRST, lead the missiles well (i dodge them, but still) and they shoot the PGM down with their guns

Yes. you do get a (relatively) smart pansir player every once in a while. it makes CAS hopeless. Especially when they have already launched one at you before they have even rendered in for you.

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Well, then once in a while is 16 matches for me today. Idk where they are coming from, but that+Ka spam paints my match history red

Yea.It is pretty rough at the moment. Anyway i am going to go make some tea. Keep up the good work lads


I know my OG Gunner is dead, but cmon, it is a 150 expert crew on a tank that uses a joystick, cmon


Whats the likelihood of GE Sales this xmas/new year?

OES Still tempts me, especially now the devs have somewhat acknowledged the CR2s plight in the game, but in its current state, i dont think its worth the full GE Amount.

There will be a week of ge sales, then pack sales. OES will not be in them, you will be able to get it for half price during birthday sale

Not the vehicle itself, i meant the cost of GE going on sale.
If GE goes on sale, then i might invest in the OES

Oh that, GE no longer goes on sale, for a few years now

Ah. Balls.

There goes that plan.

You sure?

I could have sworn I bought a years worth of premium last year with GE that was on sale

You mean that sale?

how did you make that


There is no sale
So how did you make that

It is a permanent sale on the gaijin site…

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No, fairly certain it was on sale, not the pack saving stuff