Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

I mean, ASPRO-HMT is technically reactive armor so it makes sense for it to be destroyed. But my point being: they’ve got so much evidence now that they know what the inside of the blocks even looks like and is made of lol

More than enough justification to edit the protection values


It was not, but i do not lose hope

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Well, at the end of the day values are what matters. If they go up i will be happy. And no, i do not mean to 44mm of protection as i have seen someone say some time ago

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44mm is nuts for a block that size, lined with Chobham/Dorchester tiles lol

The absolute minimum value ASPRO-HMT can get in game is 84mm of protection, as the 25MM autocannon on Dardo with APFSDS defeats 83mm and the ASPRO-HMT can defeat 25MM APFSDS.

it’s likely a lot higher KE resistance but…our only metric is “it can defeat it”

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We are not using that anyome i guess? The internal armor is Dorchester Level 1, that is a upgraded Chobham, and Dorchester Level 2 is external. So Dorchester uses Chobham like armor. I learned that like half an hour ago(or at least i knew that everything in Cr2 was called Dorchester, but i thought Chobham can be used on internal, i was wrong), all that im used to thown to the trash. DL1 to what is inside DL2 to what is outside. Why it is so hard. And now Cr3 with EPSOM modular intrnal and Farnham external.

“Chobham type tiles” was how the report described ASPRO-HMTs tiles. Whether this is actually the inferior Chobham or refers to Dorchester isn’t certain so I go with both. That said, Chobham is still no joke.

I think Chobham like should be better, as Dorchester Level 1 refer to upgraded Chobham from Cr1, and it is a Dorchester package. So X size DL2 block should be better than same size Chobham block

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What genuinely pisses me off is the gaijin devs acting obvious to nato tank players issues and bug reports, seriously is there as many bug reports on the T72s or T80s or T90s in regards to their armour/mobility and performance?? in comparison to say… The Abrams, the challenger 2s, the leopards, the leclerc’s, the type 10s, the ariete. Alot of them have had mass bug reports especially the challengers/leclerc’s and the abrams where people have had to literally flood the bug report page with multiple sources from here there and everywhere just to get something simple changed for the better. The challenger 2s mobility has been an issues for 2 YEARS! honestly it’s no surprise people are claiming there’s a bias when it’s this hard.

All I’ll say is god save @Gunjob



New lore just dropped. Gunjob is actually the queen and had to fake her own death in order to put most of their time into accepting bug reports for us. God save gunjob.


Hey guys, I don’t know if this is the right place to send this, but since I tried uploading a post, getting it approved then it mysteriously vanishing I thought I’d send it here after seeing the latest post from gaijin.

Basically I think its time for the camo nets on the challengers to be updated now that we have other vehicles with high quality netting like the premium Leopard 2 shown here:

In comparison to the above photo the challengers nets are very poor quality and don’t really look like nets at all as shown here:

These nets are, as far as I’m aware unrealistic (please let me know if I am incorrect), and so I think we should have a model change to stop these nets looking like poorly rendered paints and a 2D overlay, below are some examples of the challenger 2’s camo nets which can be found with a simple google search:

Challenger 2 (2F) camo net

As well as an update for the challenger’s, we should also be able, for all tank, to have different camo nets for different environments as currently in game we only have ‘forest’ nets, but we could also have desert and winter nets. It should also be possible to remove these nets independently from the armour packages.

Thanks for reading, please let me know what you guys think and sorry if this is posted in the wrong way :)


Our hero tbh <3

@Smin1080p or @Gunjob, that recent statement about the CR2 sounds really promising - Are you able to tell us what changes have been worked on already that we can expect to see in the upcoming update, or is this a “wait till changelog” situation? Haha

Cheers guys, appreciate you both.


Awesome! Much needed mobility changes for CR2 for sure.
Thanks man, Appreciate your work <3

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So mainly Cr3 changes for now


Seems like it, unless this list isn’t exhaustive, but they did mention more contentious issues are going to be looked at soon

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Yea, i guess the usual, dev server added things get priority, rest later

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Don’t feel too down - Just the name “Challenger 2” being spoken by the Devs is a milestone lol
They have now openly acknowledged CR2 has an abundance of bug reports, moreso than any other and gave it a special spot to talk about it. Its reassurance that they are actually looking at it (With no small thanks to Gunjob for voicing his concerns I bet) and will address bigger problems soon.

The ball is rolling now. For the first time in years.
We may well one day look at having 500 Challenger 2 variants in our TT as something good, not just dreadful