Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Yes, but im excited what other things will be buffed. Mantlet? Dorchester? Ammo? Ammo position? Mobility? What will be done to it…

I’m a little worried about their wording for what we get. But yeah, fingers crossed

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But now i face a problem. BAE is yet to reach to me. I read the day i will hear from them.

Anyone know an easy way to do strikethrough text directly in the forum?


Ah, Amazing thank you. Time to use it. Never thought we’d see this day, but time to score through some bug reports


You see, sometimes fantasies might come to life

it also fixed in future

If you’re ever in doubt the forum accepts markdown text, so just Google how to do something in markdown and it should work here.

Thank you, I need to go through them all at some point

Ah thank you. I’ve looked for info before, but never new what this text box type is called. I 've been searching for “rich text box” commands or stuff like that

Recent Gaijin Response on CR2:
Challenger 2 Reports

You’ve brought to our attention a number of issues with the British Challenger 2 tanks (and now also the Challenger 3). We’re currently in the process of checking and rechecking your reports. Some of these have already been accepted and we’ll be starting work on them soon, and in addition to this some changes have already been made, which you’ll be able to see after the update. However, some of these reported issues are still quite contentious, and as such we’re not in a position to give a completely thorough reply just yet. We plan to publish a more comprehensive response where we will discuss these reports and changes to the Challenger 2 variants in detail, but this will come after the update when we’ve had time to thoroughly analyze everything.

An actual response…holy sh*t lmao


Yes, that was a wow moment. I think the imaginary shelf that morvran talked about realy broke and they had to check what happend


British wet dream come true

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At last!! Hahaha
I mean, spall liners for Challenger 2s is already quite a survivability boost, but actually looking into the reports AND beginning to add some in (curious to see which they added…) is incredible. Thank you, Gaijin report shelf for finally breaking and requiring an intern to go look for what crashed lol

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Nat, that will be boiling vessel

What about the ERA is not ERA report? Does it go anywhere or are we sticking to the ERA blocks

How do you mean? We’ve told them the ERA (ASPRO-HMT) is a passive/reactive applique armor, composed of chobham/dorchester tiles and ERA tiles. They’ve been given the values and a TON of info on them, so I suspect this’d be changed (hopefully) as its the easiest to do

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Well, i think the main thing that went into is that ERA needs a buff to CE and KE protection, not that it is a sandwich. SO what i expect is an ERA block to be unchanged, just with tweaked values. That would not be too bad, but it can be destroyed, unlike composite/NERA blocks. OR maybe they can, idk i never had them shoot off or go black. Probably because mantlet shots killed me in Cr1mk3(Have not touched it in a few months) Cr2 and 2F

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but it isn’t fixed in dev server. maybe soooooon