Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Well, I’ve already submitted some research requests to Bovington so hopefully we can definitively say soon hahaha

3:08 you can see while the loader is reaching around that there are 3 on the wall in the training one

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2 here, i think this supports my claim


ahhh, interesting.

I think what we’re seeing is different interiors of different tanks? Challengers with TOGS, Challengers with different sights

ok anybody got a layout for the mk3?

Im not sure what is what, maybe one is older and one is newer?

Fireballs initial photo showed video signal cables going into that giant green box. I would think this is needed for a thermal imager or some kind of upgrade compared to TOGS II

Mmmm, thinking about mid life upgrades, didn’t challenger 2 receive either a radio upgrade or battle management thing?

They did got a few upgrades, but they are not as well knows as mod likes to hide things.
Unless all Cr2 run on the 1990 specs, then no

Taken from another topic but I think this guy is correct


That’s exactly what I was thinking, thought so.


Now what do we do about the rear APFSDS storage?

Leave it be? At least i do not want to go around again looking for things

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Looks modular. I think both interpretations are correct, but it depends on mission.
Looks like you can slot more radio for less ammo, or more ammo for less radio

Unless that is where the Bird table/ECM boxes connect. then…

i wonder if we’re looking at a command vehicle vs standard vehicle? cause afaik the rear APFSDS count should be 22, 6 + 16


I think so, yeah

SO we leave the 24?