I think the side armor is composed of 2 plates, im making a “collage” on illustrator to show it
correct me if i did it wrong, if i did it right we have a base
To show the second plate clearer
that plate is 40 mm
yes and theres another behind, this is the same tank
that is the block, right?
do you have by any chance all other measures?
isnt this just showing the eralier mounting method without the backplate?
nah, the backplate is right there, it is the tall thing it goes from the top to the botoom, the block excluding it has 200mm, so does the NERA seen there
I don’t have any for the blocks unfortunately are the back plates thickness !!
umm, i dont think i understand what you meant, can you explain
you sure because it looks just like the 2F/2E with the part where the circle is drawn around being the triangular plate
This is the exact same tank, you can see the backplate run across the hull not just that front segment
Well, 2G added the backplate with a the giant block, before they had a separate plates by themselfs
ahhh intressting
sorry i still dont get it