Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

why must this be the most common pair up for britain at top tier :(

the summer sale of the clickbait goes hard rn

god damn, that last clip. almost smooth going over what looks like meter high berms…


Well, what the hell has been going on with this thread lately…?

Seeing War Thunder players actively fighting tooth and nail to keep Challengers down as subpar was NOT on my bingo card.

What are you on are you really gonna argue it not better cross country again

Mate it is better then torsion bar as it allows for a smother ride that allows for greater speeds there is no need to die on this hill

Let the man die on his hill, he must just be mad he keeps dying in his leo/t80 to challengers and wants them to be the paper targets they’ve always been.


I think youve all forgot a crucial fact.
Germany main.

Not mad about anything, but if you are going to cry about “muh hydrogas” then you should actually have some evidence to back it up. It’s not me you need to convince, it’s Gaijin.

From GPT-4o:

Hydrogas Suspension

How it works:

  • Hydrogas suspension uses a combination of hydraulic fluid and gas (usually nitrogen) in interconnected suspension units.
  • Each unit consists of a hydraulic damper and a gas spring.
  • As the wheel moves over terrain, the hydraulic fluid is compressed, which in turn compresses the gas, providing a smooth and adjustable spring action.


  1. Superior Ride Quality:
  • Hydrogas systems offer better ride comfort and superior handling over rough terrain.

  • They provide greater wheel travel and better absorption of shocks, which can enhance crew comfort and reduce fatigue.

  • Load Distribution:

  • This system provides more even load distribution, which can reduce stress on the vehicle’s structure and extend its service life.

  • Enhanced Mobility:

  • Improved traction and stability on uneven terrain can enhance the tank’s mobility and overall performance in various environments.

Enhanced mobility in comparison to what exactly?

Torsion bars, the usual suspension type used in most other MBTs?

This is actually very simple. Why would you think hydrogas was used instead of simpler and cheaper torsion bars? You think the designers and manufacturers decided to give it a hydrogas suspension just because the name sounded cool?

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Where does it say enhanced mobility compared to torsion bars? It just says enhanced mobility. It also doesn’t say how much the mobility is “enhanced”.

My question:

Hello! Can you describe, in detail and explained, whether a hydrogas suspension would be better than torsion bars (for example) for a Main Battle Tank?

GPT’s answer:

Hydrogas Suspension vs. Torsion Bars for Main Battle Tanks (and then what I pasted here)

Chat GPT is not a source.

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Honestly… I was going to ask why you are so hellbent on denying one of Challenger 2’s few strengths that would help it not be outclassed so badly by other nations’ MBTs ingame such as Germany…

But seeing you are someone who exclusively plays Germany and who has negative K/D with all of its top BR MBTs, I think I can imagine where this is coming from.

I don’t normaly stat check, since I find it a toxic thing to do, and I am sorry for making an exception here, but I just needed to find any possible explanation why someone would be fighting tooth and nail against a minor nation’s underperforming MBTs to become slightly less painful to play. I can only assume you don’t have a good time facing them so it is of your interest to keep them down as much as possible so that they don’t become harder rivals to face.

As of now, it appears you seem to believe that Challenger 2s use a more complex, larger and expensive suspension system just for the fun of it and not because it provides any advantages. Talk about inefficient engineering…

Modern Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) like the British Challenger 2 use hydrogas suspension for its advantages in mobility and crew comfort, while others may still rely on torsion bars for their proven reliability and ease of maintenance.


You seem to not be able to read then as youve been given sources stating as such, then you say they cnt be trusted and then show an even more dubious sources that doesnt even prove your correct?

And ill say it again, america uses torsion bar because they require them to be easy to maintain and cheap to make as they send them abroad and never use them in country. Its a major point in anything they make. We on the other hand have only a handfull of tanks comapred to america (something like 300 compared to their thousands) so we can give them better suspension.

And i honestly dont get what your not getting, at the start you were asking how a smother ride can mean higher top speed and better acuracy (One of the most brain dead takes ive heard in a while btw). Then once we showed you that it infact does allow for these things you then started arguing if the hydrogas is even better than torsion (Which it is, a good torsion can be on par with a decent hydro gas, but a good hydro gas will always be better).

It really isnt a hard concept to understand.


ChatGPT and ad hominem is not going to change anyone’s mind, I expected a little more than appeal to emotion from you.

When I have the time I will try to provide a proper comparison of the two systems. Please let’s all keep it civil, and open-minded.


Well, Ex Cr2 driver should have a say in it.

So, you can’t find any actual data so now you resort to personal insults, very classy.

Both systems have their advantages, for hydrogas it gives a smoother ride, is easier for a trained crew to maintain/replace and doesn’t take up any room in the hull.

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Id say go back to reddit where you belong but you cant can you

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