Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

At the moment, 11.3 is superior.

Many are running 12.7 CAS , which forces the matchs to be 11.7-12.7 matches. Running 11.3 means that whilst you can still get 11.7 matches, you do seem to get a proportionally higher number of downtiers.

If it wasnt the fact that the Apache (and maybe sometimes also the Gr7) is 11.7, Id probably never run anything other than an 11.3 line-up

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it’s more for the challenge because you know for a fact that if you destroy someone, you are better than them in every single way as you are disadvantaged in every single way. psychological warfare my friend.

This is true, but fighting 10.3s in our “11.3” MBT feels a lot more fair than fighting 11.7 MBTs


Valid point. …

i’m not crying. water is just escaping my body at a rapid pace through my face.


I wish I could experience this type of matchmaking, granted I haven’t really played much since OBJ292 event so with the new influx of 11.0/11.3 premiums it could be a better experience now.

Every time I would play 11.3 it was constant 11.7 games usually against Sweden and Germany. I have PTSD from that.

Would be chefs kiss if not for pantsirs just shooting pgms down. Or anything else really. Tbh I normally just bring the buccaneer now as I can keep a distance for longer and the Martels seem to have a better time tracking targets, although having to get closer than 6km to track a tank isn’t fun but they are pretty good at finding targets in the way to the battlefield. It’s a shame gaijin love to butcher our weapon systems.

That, worryingly, should probably say a fair bit about the state of British Ground. However, Gaijin yet again accomplishing the unthinkable and ignoring all player feedback.


Well, i would hope so.
Challenger 2 are in a weird spot, they cannot go lower than a certain BR, while at the same time you have vehicles like the M1A1 HC which is much better than the Challengers.
Reality is that simply enough Challenger issues should be fixed.
Comes off to mind L27A1 penetration, as well as a change to the ready rack size. A small reload buff wouldn’t hurt as well.

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The best ground sim is the Cr1 mks 2/3, Vickers mk7, standard Cr2 and a stormer to shoot down all the chinese helicopter players


Jesus, they keep flagging my posts. Never had before whenever I swore or used profanity but all of a sudden it’s a massive problem when I’m saying bad things about gaijin lol.


It’s against the ToS to speak the truth

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I know it’s not to do with the chally 2 but god damn the brain rot that wt players have. So I really have to explain why the f5c is perfectly fine at 10.3 and shouldn’t be moved down….


Don’t worry, that meme video of Downfall I posted was flagged and removed.

I seriously wonder who is flagging these posts. Cause if its someone from the community, they should get a grip, if its someone from gaijin, they should stop being cowards and face the criticism fair and square. If they shouldn’t justify their reasoning why should we?

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Its gaijin bro, who else do you know with such a fragile facade.

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When the inevitable happens, we won’t be the ones who stood by and watched…

(Reposting when it gets goned)

I just want people to enjoy the memes, lightens the mood and poking fun at whats going on.

Unfortunately it seems they get taken too literally sometimes.


Unfortunately Gaijin doesn’t have a sense of humour.
They also don’t understand that feedback can be negative sometimes…

Since it’s April 1 now Gaijin might publish a hype devblog of Challenger 2’s much requested rework. That can be an ultimate joke from their side, looking forward to it

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