Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

They’ll model the turret with the exact same weakspots despite it being all new - in practice it’ll be the exact same tank in game.


Might want to change that bit (on the original post) seeing as we know of one effectively knocked out in Ukraine as of March '24
British Challenger 2 tank hit in Ukraine - BBC News

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The crew reportedly survived though. Testement to its survivability


Just did some testing. The mantlet is stil paper, half of the turret composite is missing, weakspot in place of rotor pins is still there. The only situations where you survive is when volumetic does it thing.


Well if the in game model was that different to the protection analysis we’d have absolutely no reason to trust it going forward… So kinda a win for gaijin XD

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Yea, the protection analysys is 90% correct. Volumetric can sometimes cause shell to dissapear, but other than that pa is correct and the model is in horrendous state


Yeh its in an unplayable state atm, that and the leclerc’s new reload was the only thing i was looking forward too. Everything else is either a £70 premium or needless filler.

Leclerc’s reload was really, oh well we see you complaining so here have this and we wont do anything else.

Each time they make a NATO tank the same reload as the Cr2, its basically a Cr2 nerf, so this update was just nerf :,(


It is not unplayable, but its harder than it was before. Shot to the right side of the gun will disable both gunner, commander and vertical td, horizontal too if you are unlucky. Hits at greater angle can also disable you due to cheek composite being half its thicness. Turret side armour is only the outer plate, again due to a bug. Other than that its the same tank. Ah yea, also 2F TES and OES got the 1st out of the 4 shells of ready rack as HESH model next to loader feets, so hit in it will kill you.

One of the biggest Challenger 2-related issues I can think of is this:

Acknowledged for 5 months without a fix, too.

Also, Challenger 3, as of now, is straight up a downgrade to CR2E/BN, with the old CR2 turret damage model still and a 6 second reload.

I think CR3 should have the same reload as all other CR2s in order not to feel like a downgrade…

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Yeah it needs it, but if the Cr3 gets a reload buff, so will the leopards

So, let me welcome you to the world of “for ballance”. Cr 2 had the small rr for the sake of ballance, as unlike type it has armour, but due to weak round they had to compensate it somehow. They did so by making it a tank with a fast burst rr that after 4 shots turned into the slowest loading mbt. Now Abrams and Leclerc having both 5s reload with much bigger rr makes the only competetive point of Cr2 gone. As for the Cr3, they brought the old damage model back, for some reason, and the 6s is for ballance and to line it up with other L55 users.

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Also did anyone report the Cr3 getting Cr2 dm?

I was penned in the left turret cheek by a t90m one game. They have not done a great job at anything this update. Bold of them to say this is what they meant to happen.

Why should they?

I am not sure if you are being sarcastic or not, to be honest, hahahah. At this point, when it comes to balance, it’s difficult to tell when something is genuine or not.

Reason 1. As 53 is in the top 2 rounds (depend who you ask they say either 53 or 829A2 is the best) the gun it fires need to be in level on platform they use.
2. Germany mains would cause a flood if they did not.

Well, i am and i am not at the same time. All i said there is true tho…
For the sake of having a edge over other tanks cause of the worst top round, while also having some armour, they gave it a quick burst ready rack. They felt that giving it full 28 5s rack would be to strong. Sadly recently Abrams and Leclerc also got 5s reload killing the reason Cr2 had the burst reload,as they have much bigger racks with the same reload.

Because german mains will cry and they will change the leopard

The Cr3 is just bad, i’d rather any Cr2 over it so idc about the reload

Let them cry as much as they want. Leopard 2A7V is better and will always be better than any Challenger could ever hope to be ingame, giving CR3TD the same reload as the CR2s is the least they could do for this tank not to feel like a downgrade, specially since they gave it the old turret and mantlet of the CR2 for some reason.

If CR3TD had actual armor, it would be fine to have the same reload as the Leopard; but, as of now, CR3TD is straight out worse than CR2E.

One of the most one-hit killable tanks. Just hit the paper mantlet that occupies 1/3rd of the turret’s front surface and the ammo rack blows up.