Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Well, with what we have for sure no. Wherever the prototype is rn might have the Farnham or even EPSOM ready

This is the main problem between the community and the Devs. No communication. It just seems like they stick their fingers in their ears and go “ла ла ла ла”. I want some more communication. I know that 99% of the player base is high drag but come on.

Would love more communication too. But we are doing our best. I just hope Smin gets back to me with something, so i can either get ready to push or i can give up.

@Fireball_2020 i just saw you made some reports about spall liners. Thank you for that!


Link to the report?


@Gunjob sorry for the ping, but could you tell me what was done with my engine sounds issue?
It says that TrickZZter updated feilds, but i cand find any difference. This will allso allow me to know what to look in the future.

Nothing, it was just some behind the scenes stuff don’t worry.

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Oh i see. Thank you :)

It’s quite obvious they are just making stuff up at this point. Just look at the T90M…


Made the topic so Cr3 can be discussed there

Jesus christ…
How is this still an issue for the devs??

Yea… I guess it is low on the priority list. But hey! Cr3 is also a mess so rejoyce! YAY,


@Gunjob Is there anything that can be done to make things like:
Crew hovering above their seats in game, meaning they can be one shot through the roof

The TES missing it’s correct protection and ERA name (ASPRO-HMT)

Challenger 2 (all currently) having ammunition in places where it’s physically impossible

Composite screen being thinner on OES than TES despite being the same screen

Is it possible to have these forwarded as actual bugs not suggestions? I fear since they’re suggestions, not bugs, the time these’ll take to be fixed is expodentially higher than if they got forwarded as a bug.
Just wanted to get your thoughts on this, as especially with the OES coming, I find it pretty insane that these issues have been reported but the same incorrect model that massively effects gameplay is being used…


Worth a try at least, especially when they plan to charge a whopping $70 for the OES and expect you to grind months for the TT challengers. These bugs would take less than a week to fix but change the gameplay for these tanks a ton

It is not thinner on the OES. Both are thin and have 40mm thicness. Also provide the same armor (within volumetric error while checking in the hangar)


Also tagging @Smin1080p in this incase he can shine a light on this

Dont think this has been reported.

Already reported as a suggestion.

Already reported as a suggestion.

Don’t believe this has been reported.

Hey there Smin,
I was more asking if we could get these marked as bugs, not suggestions? These rather large issues with the Challenger 2s in game seem to just be going unchanged

Can you comment on these?