Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Yea, i also knew that, but i wont go anywhere with that

Its not really something proveable its just kinda common sense, but that doesn’t transfer to the game.

I’m not sure why I expected anything else to be honest.

@Smin1080p i will be frank.
Can you ask the devs to take another look at the Cr3(p) armor or weight. It is supposed to be 66T as a complete tank, the tech demo is a modified Cr2 with the same armor. And devs went with 66t of the Farnham equipped, new turreted Cr3 and added it on the tech demo, while keeping the armor the same. Could you please ask them to reconsider one of the things. As it was said before it is a RBSL project, and they took Farnham over D tech, so it should be better. But ignoring even that. We get Farnham weight increase with Chobham protection. Can anything be done about it? Or is the Farnham protection value that max 200 people on earth know a absolute need for the change?

There was an interview somewhere where they said they werent looking at increasing protection yet and that the new turret added no extra weight so as to not compromise maneuverability, Ill see if I can find it

Well, the offical site tells that protection is increased

18 rounds = 2 rounds next to the driver, 17 = 1, 16 = 0. At least now the Challenger 2 ceases to be an explosive tank :)

right right sorry, I meant for the 2019 LEP model. If thats the one they’re intent on, its a start for proving the weight is wrong without the armor increase

Sorry to say it, no armor between turret rack and crew, and no blow up pannels, so you will cook with any shot to the loader side of the gun

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Oh, then get so. It will be a great help if you could find it

But i wonder if it will go somewhere. They denied interviews before as a source. Well, we will see

Sales director of RBSL
“Protection is not part of the program at the moment”
“The turret, because of the way it is fabricated, is actually a weight gain so there is absolutly no reduction in mobility”

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Thank you so much
@Smin1080p will that suffice for the weight reduction. It is from 2019 and from the manufacturer. It says no armor and no weight increase. Will this do?

If i wont get an answear in 24h, i will try the bug report way.

This ain’t challenger 3 tho

The topic is about Cr3, but it shows Cr 2LEP /3 TD due to nothing else existing

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Yeah but this is in reference to our CR3 TD yeah?

This is where i think they got the weight increase and the armor increase (that they ignored)

We can go back and forth what is LEP what is TD and what is Cr3. I dont have neither the strenght nor humor to do so. Im waiting up to 20 GMT tomorrow. If i do not get back anything from Smin i make a topic in the dev server part and i make a bug report with the 2019 statement about weight. If that fail i go with the armor increase. If that also fails i give up.

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I’d go with the weight, the armour probably didnt improve(if it even exists).

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