Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Should be quite a bit more survivable though! No more ammo anywhere near the driver :)

Ah. Didn’t think it was wet stowage, just was under the impression it was a less easily detonated charge formula, similar to others found in other European designs (mainly Sweden). Not the most familiar with rounds outside of that. Thought it was a bit off due to it being a tiny fragment that set it off. But if it ain’t then that’s fine, better placement is a fine solution.


Unfortunately, yeah. The tank is designed to be replaceable in helping the crew survive. Everything about CR2 is designed for survivability, even if it means the loss of the tank itself.

We’ve seen in Ukraine, CR2’s unoccupied being hit with top attack missiles, which sets off the charges. But it’s a slow, but increasingly high pressure burn. Not one violent combustion like on other tanks

That unfortunately stays lol

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We have only seen one CR2 hit. Was hit from behind by a ATGM (not a top attack missile either) was scuttled by a Ukrainian STUGNA after being disabled by a mine

Also im amused by
On the Base Cr2, while all other else get

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Have you guys heard about the marathon starting on January 25th?


So I have a cringe assumption that the equipment for the marathon will be Ajax.))))))

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Maybe i’m mistaken but I remember something to the effect of a Kornet/Konkurs K-something ATGM top attacking a CR2 resulting in charge burnoff

Afaik only one lost, the famous one

hitting all the boxes on the bingo card I see

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Russia have no top attack missile from what I recall

Oh man, new LFP armour pack

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iirc yes it was the famous Ukranian one, iirc though the tank had been scuttled already beforehand
if memory serves it was a friendly shot that took it out, since the Ukranians couldn’t recover it iirc

Might be dreaming that one up mind you, I am sleep deprived to say the least



There are 2 versions, one it was a friendly kill so it is not taken over, other that it was enemy fire

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Imma be real with you, if it is an Ajax I may very well throw myself under a bus

Although part of me suspects any new event vehicles will be by and large variants of existing vehicles in game. So something like a Chieftain Mk3/3 with LRF would be more what i’d expect

Not that of course, but just for an example

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I assume you mean both claim a Challenger kill on that vehicle?

IDK, it was last year, so long ago i dont remember

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I think it was hit by enemy artillery and the crew blew it up?
It was in the phase they used western equipment like wonder weapons