Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

I’m trying my very best here. This is about as far as i’ll go as I think both Gaijin and I can agree on the points i’ve just made. It’s backed by sources, reason and uses quite tame figures to correct the blocks from being complete guesswork values of 30/400 to the adequate 84 KE.

I’ll be submitting some more evidence to support Dorchester 2H’s capability to defeat tandem warheads soon as well.

I strongly believe ASPRO-HMT should, at 0 degrees, provide something in the realm of 104mm KE / 1200mm CE


Yeah - in the document they’ve used for their definitions they’ve definitely used the definition for testing a vehicle, and not a component:


The ERA in question is a distinct component that would be tested on its own (that includes no aluminium backplate). Then there is the issue that RAFAEL advertise the product on the front of some vehicles, where the angle of impact is going to be much closer to 90 than 30.

Unfortunately, even if you had a joint statement from the CEO of RAFAEL and Chief of Staff at the MoD, stating that the ERA was tested at 90 degrees, GJN would still say the evidence isn’t conclusive.


100% agree. They’re just reading the document wrong


Guys, I can’t stop laughing. I got a trophy and from there:



Either way I can’t think of a reason why they couldn’t accept this. It’s a fact that the 30mm is far too low for the ke resistance of the blocks. We don’t know by how much but we do know it’s by quite a bit, the only argument they have left is to say they don’t like guesstimating and will only accept a source stating the value. Which is what I’m expecting. Great job either way.


This is a legendary amount of work. Good job. Now let’s hope Gaijin sees reason and implements it.
Someone should make a special skin, TES edition named “Legwolf”…


For some reason, I’m not lucky with mascots, I once passed the battle pass to 80 ur, completed 40 missions and I got a talisman on a swingfire. So, i had to do research Britain on it.



The Swingfire is freaking awesome. My favourite thing in the game (apart from shooting down planes with spaa) is using the 3rd person view to pull off shots with it people just don’t expect.

Gonna play it this evening.

Cope cage

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im surprised they didnt slap era everywhere

saw a new picture of actually good slat armour

The camouflage could use some work lol

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May be the only way for us to get usable ERA. Having the Ukrainians slap a shit ton of Russian era on it so gaijin can’t just fluff the specs and say it’s good.


have you seen the leopards and abrams? :)

lolol no do you have a photo?

Haha thanks <3 at this point TES is my passion project lol

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Here you go:



The abrams one looks fine, i think its got the standard ERA, the leos are cursed

omg lolol that era aiming right at the driver

Im yet to see any challengers with extra era, I hope we can soon :)



Again some cool pictures, one with a warriors backing plate.

Couldn’t you ask the Ukrainians for some breach measurements now, although I guess they have better things to do with their time.