Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

The minimum that I have seen is 7 seconds flat.
Ideally we’d need access to the requirements to pass Live Fire Exercises, but the minimum I have seen is 7 seconds flat.
That’s the minimum, that does not mean it couldn’t be faster. I’ve read an account in which one crew could conduct a 3 round engagement (from first round fired to third round) in 10 seconds. Which points to the 5 second thing being correct.

My guess about the ready racks is if you look at the Castlemartin accident report, some of the photos show a ready rack with 4 propellant charges.

I read that with lap loading they can go down to 3. Quick shell inside, then fast charge from behind and done.

Lap loading yes probably. The charges aren’t the heaviest thing in the world, and round in lap would be doable.

Reload rate is still subject to gajins balancing decisions and not actual irl performance so it wont change it

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The charge weights around 9kg, and you can see photos of soilders carrying dart in each hand no problem, so they cant be too heavy. Well, UK loader usually hold the dart in hand and then rake6a charge from the bin

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Oh in which case we can say goodbye to 7 second we can have 15 seconds then 😐

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So tell me what part of ballance does make not moving a single charge and not moving a single dart take 26s?

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dont ask me to explain the snails infinite wisdome

Now that i think about it, its probably loader tea break, you know, the boiling vessel has its purpose.


Chieftain reload buff them anyone?

Nope, as they have the reasoning “small space in the turret”

Meanwhile the t55 has the same reload with single piece ammo XD

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You know, what hurts me the most is where the first stage ammo on t55 is. It takes the same time…


what, do you have to get out of the vehicle, go
round the back and open the engine deck?

Nah, they are next to the driver. The loader has to bend down under the turret, take the full round and then lift it up to the gun

and that’s one piece? yikes man.

I call that move “spine breaker” as you will have spine problems, soon… Round weights over 15kg

HESH and the SH/P prac round are both 18kg, DS/T and FIN are about 12kg. The HESH bag charges are quite light and it’s easy to carry a bunch in each hand, or carry one FIN charge in each hand.

Physically the easiest move to access the projectiles behind the driver is to 180 the turret, but typically the 3 smoke rounds will be put there as they’re the least accessible rounds in the vehicle.

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I see everyone having a fun new years talking about ammo.
Gaijin wont touch the ammo racks or reload time because its balanced, its that simple, even if you give sources i bet it will just result in a ‘we assume’ or ‘added to internal report’ (internal report = bin)
Yes, im trying to get your hopes down so it doesnt hurt as much when the blog comes out

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Bold of you to assume my hopes are above 0 :)
Im just chit chatting. I lerned over the years to expect nothing and less.